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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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Do You Care For The Poor?

Has the teaching of the Worldwide Church of God created a clone of near-sycophants who are self-orientated and spiritually insular? If you are a WCG or ex-WCG member, what is your life of giving like?
Here is an opportunity for you to help our African brethren.

Recently I received a letter from a pastor in Africa who is overseeing a number of churches. He was at one time a pastor for the Worldwide Church of God, but no longer!

He said some very disparaging things about them! They were strong words from a man who has faithfully served them for a number of years!

Herbert Armstrong used to say often enough that God's way is the way of GIVE, the devil's way the way of GET! He was right, of course. But how many are living up to those words? In the Worldwide Church of God and its spin-offs today, how many are actively harnessing the Holy Spirit in positive works and deeds of outgoing concern?

I do not mean in acts of service or giving to the WCG. Anyone can give to their own group, especially when they get something in return. The Pharisees proved that. They heartily greeted their own!

What I mean is, how sensitive are you to the needs of others? Are you sensitive and caring about what other children and servants of God are doing? And do you respond as you should to their needs? Or have you become calloused and hard-hearted? Have you been desensitised by WCG propaganda?

African Needs!

As I said above, this African pastor wrote me. What he said would surprise many – and even shock. It would singe many ears – the ears of those who can’t see what is wrong inside the church. But, that was not the main reason he wrote.

He told me of the needs of many in his country. They need Bibles (in several languages), as well as meaningful literature to feed believers.

We have emptied ourselves to try and provide what is needed. But, because we have paid out so much to try and help you folks in Worldwide to see how you are being deceived wholesale by the vipers who lead you, the Africans who have perhaps greater needs are shortchanged. In the nineties we went into debt for your sakes – like Paul did for the Corinthians – to fulfil our divine assignment to you. But who cares? Do you? No.

We have sent out many articles at our expense, to help you Worldwiders consider more carefully the need to be spiritually discerning, so you don't give your strength to wolves in sheep's clothing.... and what do we receive in return? Precious little. A few letters of dissent or resentment. An odd donation here and there, but nowhere near even a tenth of what we have spent on your behalf for your spiritual edification and release!

Silence may be golden, but it is not giving! And that is what you – I speak collectively to the majority to whom we have sent our ministry materials – have given us in return. What's the use of that?

Jesus lamented the same pitiful response from spiritually lame folks then:

We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn (Matt 11:17, NIV).

Lack of response indicates lack of love. You have a responsibility, not just to your brothers in need like the African brethren, but to those whom God uses as His vehicles to teach and help you spiritually (even if you resent their input!).

The WCG hierarchy has done a ‘wonderful’ job of causing members to resent outside input! That is not Christianity. That is cultism! It is what they speak against, but what they do.

Humbug and hypocrisy, cant or sham, whatever label you give it, it is not right. It is not giving. It is a response that indicates you are not acting responsibly. You are not acting in love. You are quenching the flow of the Holy Spirit.

Returns of Resentment

I have mentioned before how we sent numerous videos of other preachers (not in the employ of the WCG) to many WCG members whose addresses we had. Those videos contained some spiritually valuable information and a glimpse into the spiritual experience of others who have moved in the power of the Spirit – something that has NEVER occurred in the history of the WCG!

The hypocritical WCG leaders say they accept 'outside' Christians, but the fact is, they don't really!! They still encourage their members to resist such information and reject such experience. They perpetuate the same old rotten WCG dogma that leaves their members cloned and resentful of such people and their spiritual gifts.

It's pretty obvious from the few returns we had from people who clearly showed their resentment. They didn't want to be confronted with the fact that some others elsewhere had something they didn't. Or they were still conditioned by former WCG bias (which is demonic!) that such gifts of the Spirit are not genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit.

They prefer to carry on believing the lies of the past, and shut the door on the 'new boy' who appears to tell them they've been wrong all along! They don't want to change. They don't want to humble themselves and admit they have been wrong. They certainly will not accept the prophet who brings them this input from God! And so they shut the door and stay quiet.

But that's not a response of a Spirit-led person. Either I am wrong and it can be proven I am wrong, as Galatians 6:1 and James 5:19-20 says should take place in such a situation, or I am right. And if I am right, then you, by your insular response, have shut the door – not on me – but on the One Who sent me to you.


It is interesting to see the progression and retrogression of WCG members according to what their mentors say. I had a woman wholeheartedly thank me for the videos I had sent her. I think she thought they had WCG approval. (They should have had that, because the WCG has 'officially' brought its doctrine into line with that of mainline evangelical and charismatic denominations.) She sent a donation, which was the most forceful indicator of her delight at what she had received, and she asked for more videos. I sent her more.

Time passed, and I wanted to check that she had received all I had sent, so I dropped her a line. She did not reply. I wrote again some time later, and again there was no response. God spoke to my spirit that fear had quenched the good those videos offered her. Where did that fear come from? It was implanted by WCG mentors. They had turned her off against Midnight Ministries, by their demonic innuendo of negativism.

The WCG hierarchy wants psychological control of members' minds. It will achieve that by systematic promotion of pro-WCG propaganda, and anti-Midnight Ministries propaganda (or anti-any-other-group which challenges their teachings or practice).

But it is not right for anyone, even ministers, to exert such control, no matter how subtly. (And it is achieved ever so subtly in Worldwide!) It is a demonic trait exhibited by false ministers.[1]

I'll give you one example of how this mind control was exerted recently concerning our promotion of videos. When they started coming through WCG letter boxes, some ministers suggested members returned them. Others realised that to suggest it too openly would reflect badly on them, so they would just drop hints to the effect that Midnight Ministries is "attacking the WCG", make other negative-sounding suggestions about their origin, and paint a bleak picture of this ministry to polarise minds against considering spiritual things which emanate from Aylesbury. They don't need to do much coaxing in that regard. The mindset of WCG folks is already set in that direction from decades of cloning and cult-mental-conditioning under HWA!

Videos we had sent were gathered in one congregation (and possibly others too), wiped of their contents, and given to 'charity'. What about the charity that sent them in the first place? Why weren't they returned to their source?

Because the WCG controllers (they're not true ministers, but devilish controllers of your mind!) didn't want to alert us to who was destroying them, binning them, or handing them in! They wanted to bleed us dry financially.

Is that giving!? Hardly!! It's the opposite!

Where Is Your Response?

What about you? If you were among the hundreds who received those videos, audio tapes and other items of literature from us – you have a moral and spiritual duty to respond. Silence is not a Christian response in such circumstances.

If a brother says "Hello", do you ignore him? Is that the right brotherly approach? If he sends you a gift, do you thank him or ignore him? Or, if you do reply (wonder of wonders!) do you tell him to "get stuffed"? I have a file full of the latter type of response!

That is the legacy of decades of WCG indoctrination. It's an ugly sight!

I have sent you materials for your spiritual benefit and you have not responded positively. (If you are one of the few who have, I thank you. And obviously, these remarks are not directed towards you.) Because of our love for you and our love for the truth of God, we have bled ourselves to provide for you, and given you spiritual guidance in this time of darkness. And your callous hard heart is clearly evident, not just to God, but to us as well. Your failure to reciprocate tells it all.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt 6:21, NIV).

It's quite clear where the hearts of most Worldwiders are! They are wrapped up in themselves, and in their little domain. They certainly don't care for us. Many would love to see me dead!

What does it take to wake you up to your spiritual stupidity? Giving allegiance to false ministers who stonewall the prophets, who deny truth, who promote evil propaganda to perpetuate cult psychology, and giving them your money when they are not doing much to further gospel truth.... well, what else can you call it but stupidity?! I'm sorry I have to be so deprecating.

Now to return to the situation in Africa where there are hungry hearts who need assistance. Because I have gone into debt to help you, here's your chance to prove yourself.

Maybe you think some of the accusations I have levelled at you have been too harsh, or even untrue. Well, you can redeem yourself in my eyes by replying and responding positively for a change. Then I will reappraise my opinion of you. And I will be delighted to do so!

What you do with your money tells a big story, as Jesus said. It shows how much you care about Him and about His brothers and sisters in need. Worldwiders don't like to be asked for money. It can be a very touchy subject. Those who are touchy in that way are only showing how selfish and 'tight' they are.

If you want to reciprocate financially, we welcome your love offering. Thank you. God will bless you when you bless others.

Malcolm B Heap, 5 March 1998 (revised December 2010)


This article is one of a series of 50 articles explaining about spiritual deficiencies of WCG practice & psychology.

It is time for the virgins to trim their lamps!

[1]   If you want to know more about how false ministers operate in the Church, send £2 for a copy of Apostasy in God's Church!

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK