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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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OK, So You Have Left the WCG. What now?

The break-up of the Worldwide Church of God, the development of splinter groups and the scattering of the Church is nothing new. The Bible explains why this situation has arisen, what we must learn from it, and where to go from here.

On January 1st, 1998, Ronald Dart, an evangelist in the employ of the WCG until the mid-1970s, lamented the present state of the Church. What he was referring to is the disintegration of the Worldwide Church of God and associated groups. There has been a scattering and a loss of impact in reaching out with the gospel.

It is a problem that must be addressed at this time. I was prompted in the Spirit to respond.

As I replied in writing, God showed me more about why the Church has been scattered. He led me to a text in Jeremiah, which answered Why The Scattering of the Church? If you would like to know the reasons, request the article by that title.

I was also reminded of the parallel between what happened to Israel and Judah for their failure to heed the words of the prophets God sent, and the equal failure today in the Church. In fact, the blindness in the Church today is GREATER than Israel's of old in one important respect. The Church today doesn't even recognise the prophets God sends! As a result, many disparage or diminish their words!

The Failure to Recognise Prophets

Why doesn't the Church recognise prophets? Because of false teaching that has been promoted by a satanic regime which has made out that they aren't around. Yet, your Bible says they are! It is easy to prove if you believe scripture.

Paul wrote that Jesus has given the Church a five-fold ministry to prepare His body on earth and bring it to maturity or perfection (Eph 4:11-13). Second in that list of divine appointments - notice that these are not human appointments, but divine ones - is the function or office of the prophet.

Have you seen a prophet? Do you know one? Can you name one?

Probably not. Why not? Because those who have taught you have failed to recognise such individuals, and many of those tutors have not wanted to acknowledge them. Once again you should ask "Why?"

The reason is not flattering to such men! They want to keep control of you. Not physically - spiritually! They want control over your mind, about what you believe and about whom you listen to. Such people who want you to listen to them, either exclusively or almost exclusively, are suspect ministers. If I were you, I'd be very wary of such people. Ditch them!

The devil seeks control over people. He wants to exert control of human minds so they do his evil deeds. He exerts the same control in the Church, and influences any who leave the door ajar for him to come in. His prime target is church leaders, because he can make maximum impact through them, influencing large numbers of God's people.

So, be very circumspect in your approach and appraisal of "the ministry". More than 50% of the WCG ministry was not of God, but were hirelings, in it for the wages, the prestige, the power, or other spurious reasons.

In fact, five years ago to this very day, God spoke through a "word of knowledge"1 about the spiritual state of the WCG ministry. What He said was this:

Of the ministers employed by the WCG:

  • 50% are freemasons.
  • 70% are false.
  • 23% are lukewarm.
  • 7% are true.2

That's some revelation! We didn't seek God for those details. He just gave them to us. At the time, my impression of the WCG ministry was good. I had been trained in Ambassador College, alongside many of the men who now occupy those positions in the church. I didn't want to think evil of them. Several were my personal friends.

But I cannot argue with God.

Satanic Control

It's not generally recognised by most trusting souls who join the church (and in other churches, too) that exerting spiritual control over others is so wrong. It is a satanic trait.

It's not hard to understand why - when you see it. Like everything, when 'the penny drops' it is as clear as daylight. But so few have had the penny drop yet!

Think about the way God operates. He comes into your life only if you respond to His call. He doesn't impose Himself on you if you don't want Him. He doesn't force you, coerce you, or compel you to do anything. He is waiting for your compliance. When He gets it, He is very pleased and showers you with blessings. But He never wields domination or control in His dealings with you. It is Satan who does that.3

Yet, we have seen plenty of that control exerted in the WCG in times past, and it still continues in ever more subtle forms. The devil masks his working. He tries ever so hard to cover it up so God's people do not suspect him at work. He does a masterly job!

In the early Christian Church, John wrote about a false minister who was blatantly exercising illicit control and through it he was bringing the members into bondage and dividing the Church. His name was Diotrephes. John wrote about him:

I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the pre-eminence among them, does not receive us... prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church (3 Jn 9,10 NKJV).

Have you seen this sort of thing in the WCG? I have! False ministers seek pre-eminence. They try and steal the show, and eject anyone from their company who poses a threat to their vain schemes.

The same weakness afflict ex-WCG ministers who have gone to off-shoot groups, such as Global, United, Philadelphia and others. It is a trait of false ministers, but of course, they will cover it up as best they can. So, you may not see it immediately. But keep your eyes open. You will! Especially if you challenge them openly on a point of truth. They want you to follow them. Jesus wants you to follow Him.

When Jesus wants to move the Church forward spiritually, the main ones Satan uses to block the road to the Holy Spirit are the false ministers. They manipulate minds to gain the ascendancy and block the move of God taking place.

Moving on

This is one main reason why staying in a church is so spiritually stultifying. You've got to get up and go when you have been weaned off milk and need solid food. You shouldn't sit in nappies, waiting to be fed. God has given you two legs and a mind of your own, so you can use them and move on independently.

John was also able to say to those who were past this immature stage of growth:

...the anointing you received from Him remains in you and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things... (1 Jn 2:27, NIV).

The Holy Spirit will teach you when you are ready for it. God will speak to you, if you are open to Him.

Now that the WCG is fragmenting, realise that it is part of God's plan. He allows nothing without good reason. One could isolate various reasons for why it has taken place. (False ministers causing division by introducing heresies is one of the causes.) But we need to realise that there is a positive reason because of what is about to take place!

If God's people continually gave their loyalties to men who lead them, what would be their fate if those men are mostly false ministers? (Which IS the case, according to the word of knowledge God gave us several years ago, and which has been borne out by experience.)

The answer is: spiritual retrogression. If you sit in the WCG, going backwards spiritually, looking to men who usurp Christ's prerogatives and position, you will never come into greater depths of spiritual experience. As a Worldwide member the chances are that you have never been privileged to receive a greater infilling of the Spirit and develop spiritual gifts.

Have you laid hands on the sick and seen them healed? Probably not. But you can do if you are moving out on your own into God's purpose for you. I don't mean by "on your own", doing your own thing. I mean following what God tells you individually. When you seek opportunities to minister to others, to help them, encourage them, bring them to Christ to receive salvation, etc., He will walk beside you and work with power on your behalf. When you learn to listen to His voice - to learn to hear Him speaking to you, and giving you guidance as to how to help others - you will be amazed at how much God responds.

I remember the first time I "preached". It was at a small gathering of ex-WCG folks during the autumn Feast. God showed me that what they needed was to know about how God speaks to us today. After I had taken some time to go through the various ways He speaks, I then opened the meeting up for a "practical". It's no good not practising what we believe. So, I prayed for God to give us whatever He had in mind that we needed. You only experience God when you step out in faith and follow the lead of His Spirit.

What followed is on video (as is the message)4. Two or three messages in tongues came, with their interpretations. After that, I felt moved to ask if anyone needed healing. Several hands went up, but at the same time a word of knowledge came into my head. It was so simple I almost dismissed it. God said "bad leg". That's all He said. Logically, I asked if there was anyone present who had a bad leg. One hand went up.

At the time I wasn't sure what to make of this "word". With hindsight, I realise now that God doesn't waste His words. He meant that He was going to heal this person. He didn't heal the others at that time, but He was saying that He would heal the person with the bad leg. And He did!

The experience of receiving and exercising spiritual gifts in the Church is one of the most exciting things. Meeting together should not just be staid and dry and boring listening to "the minister". It should be filled with life and joy and sharing. Jesus is life and joy and He has promised that where 2 or 3 gather together in His name, He will be in our midst. The problem with most WCG folks and ex-WCG folks is that they don't believe this. They know it but they don't really believe it!

So, Jesus doesn't seem to show up. Doubters or unbelievers disappoint Him. Remember how narked He was with Thomas? Imagine a congregation full of 'Thomases'!! If you were Jesus, would you want to show up there? I wouldn't. It's no wonder such meetings are devoid of power, and empty of evidences of the presence of the Spirit! It's very sad.

We need to move on!

If you want to learn more, keep in touch. Ask for a list of materials we have to help. The Church needs to manifest God's power!

Malcolm B Heap, February 26 1998

1 A word of knowledge is a supernaturally implanted thought, impression, or what seems like the actual audible voice of God speaking to you. It is explained in the article series "Holy Fire!" available for £2.00 from Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK.

2 This, and other revelations are disclosed in "The Plain Truth About The WCG" available for £3.00 from the above address.

3 Right and wrong spiritual authority is fully discussed in God's Church - Whose Authority? available for £3.00 from the address below.

4 "Hearing From God"  is on video, and available for £10.00 from Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK