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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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Trial By The Press

The hierarchy of the Worldwide Church of God refuse their members an open trial before the whole church before they are disfellowshipped. The men who control the WCG have perpetrated gross miscarriages of justice against some members. Soon the world will judge them.

As I write, the trial of Louise Woodward is again hitting the headlines. An innocent girl, 'stitched up' by faulty judgement, made a scapegoat for those who want 'come-uppance'... it's a ghastly travesty of justice!

You might think me presumptuous to pre-empt the outcome of her trial - even to suggest that she is innocent. But she is. The Spirit of God tells me that. And I think many in whom God's Spirit lives, will agree. There is a witness in the spirit.

But, irrespective of that, are you aware of the way God works? In His dealings with mankind, there is often a parallel between what occurs in the physical and what is transpiring in the spiritual. He guides events so that His ekklesia can be aware of spiritual realities. And there is frequently a correlation between what you see happen in the natural, and what you cannot see in the spiritual dimension.

You would never think similar miscarriages of justice could occur in the Church. But they do. There is a parallel - and a lesson to be learned for all of us at this time who have had an association with the WCG.

'Ditched' for Being a 'Witch'

I was a member of the Worldwide Church of God for over 20 years. So was my wife, Helena. You may know that. We had many friends in the church.

We were called into the church, not by the whim of man, but by the will of God.

But in 1990, a certain minister took exception to our influence in the church and mounted a 'witch-hunt' to try and get us out. He searched for over a year to find some fault with us which he could use to justify his evil actions of having us removed. Since he could find nothing, in the end he cunningly engineered events to 'frame' us. And on his trumped up charges alone we were cast out of the church without adequate recourse.

The sorry pronouncement of our disfellowship was announced by this minister from the pulpit the following Sabbath. All members were alerted to our 'inferior' spiritual status, and... in private to certain others, we were even declared to be spiritually 'dangerous'. He alleged I had 'deep spiritual problems'.

Of course, he proved none of it. All his accusations were false. They were lies. The devil was a liar from the beginning and those he uses lie too. My wife was accused of being a 'witch'. Why? Because she has the gift of discerning of spirits and can cast out demons. This false minister felt threatened by our presence. He didn't know why himself. The demons who used him didn't want to lose their 'carrier', so they engineered an assault first. (At that time, through a word of knowledge, God informed us that this man was a carrier of more than 500 demons! And people wonder why I tell them to get out of the WCG!!!? What spiritual fools!)

We were declared anathema by WCG officialdom. But members were never told why. Some rare individuals asked, but they received no adequate reply. I also asked in writing, but I got no answer either.

Fulfilling Prophecy

Looking back with hindsight, it's all rather funny really. Men playing God, but playing into Satan's hands! Throwing people out of the church without even stating what they have done to warrant their sudden dismissal!

But we should not be surprised. It was foretold:

Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word: 'Your brothers who hate you, and exclude you because of My name, have said, 'Let the Lord be glorified [they do such things ostensibly to glorify God, but they are deceived], that we may see your joy [supposedly, excommunication is meant to bring ultimate 'joy' - what a joke!] Yet they will be put to shame (Isaiah 66:5, NIV).

They will put you out of the synagogue [place of organised worship, i.e. modern day churches]; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God [that will follow later!] (Jn 16:2, NIV).

I was a successful building contractor for about 17 years. Before that, in 1972, I had graduated from Ambassador College, Bricket Wood, the WCG's UK training centre for ministers and 'work' personnel. I was hired after graduation to help on their agricultural programme, but cut-backs in 1974 made me one of many who became redundant.

I rejoiced! It was a dead-end job and I was glad to move on. After asking God for direction, He opened a door for me into the 'grafting' world of building. That was one miracle. The next was soon to follow. He opened a door for me to get retrained on a government scheme (which has since ceased). From there I went on to begin a small building operation which served private clients during the UK economy's 'boom' years of the 1980s, when house prices rocketed and some builders became exceptionally wealthy.

Although we were not wealthy, by most standards though, Helena and I did well financially. God certainly opened doors and gave us opportunities. We always took them without second thought. 'Graft' and thrift paid off.

During those years, we regularly gave more than a tenth of our income to the WCG. I haven't tallied up the total amount the church netted from us, but it must have been in excess of £20,000. I delighted to do so. I was giving it to God, and they just happened to be in the right place to receive it. Many others I know did likewise and rightly so - if that is where God shows you to give.

But recently, God has shown me and many others that the WCG is NOT the right recipient any longer. She has betrayed our trust. She is no longer in the right place to receive God's tithe. Others are.

The church as a whole has fallen out of God's grace because of their spiritually licentious teaching.1 They have reneged on the commission:

...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you... (Matt 28:20).

They no longer teach everything Jesus has commanded us. And to compound their sin, they are fouling members' minds with damnable heresies that deny the Lord who bought them. They are legalising sin, condoning vice and sanctioning spiritual corruption!

They regarded us as anathema in 1990. Now we regard them and their teaching as anathema, and so does God! I speak for Him, as do many others. How the tables get turned on the offender! The wicked digs a pit for the righteous, and the one who digs it falls into it himself! Ha! That's justice.

They denied justice to the innocent (and we were not the only ones victimised, slandered and abused by WCG despots, many others were). Sadly, they will pay for their malpractice!

A Parallel To Behold

I said at the outset that what has occurred is a parallel.

There have been many tragic cases of miscarriages of justice, both in this land and elsewhere. 'The Guildford Four', 'the Birmingham Six', numerous others, and now Louise Woodward.

Last night on British television, Channel 4 aired an investigative documentary on the Louise Woodward case. If the US court can't get it right, then the press will!

Leading the way in exposing several cases of malpractice in the UK legal system has been London's Daily Mail. I am not an avid newspaper reader, but I have noticed that the Mail has not been afraid to put its reputation on the line over such issues. Where judges have abysmally failed to give a proper lead, and where juries are misled or pressured into wrong verdicts by judges, the Mail has publicised such wrongdoing.

I prophesied to the Worldwide Church of God several years ago that if they did not rectify our case of injustice, they would find the tabloids giving us a hearing at the church's expense. That is yet to come to pass, but I have no doubt that the days are rapidly advancing when they will see their scummy little 'empire' humiliated in the press.

I am hopeful that Louise Woodward will finally be exonerated, when all the relevant facts are objectively considered. I am also confident that my wife and I will be vindicated and cleared of the slander hurled at us by WCG overlords who wanted to wield power in a way that is against scripture (Matt 20:25,26).

The church's pitiful spiritual state is described in Isaiah:

No one calls for justice, no one pleads his case with integrity. They rely on empty arguments and speak lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil. They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider's web [Tkach is Russian for 'weaver']. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched (Is 59:4,5, NIV).

Did you notice that whoever eats their eggs dies? There are many foolish souls sitting in Worldwide, without taking a second thought about the fatal consequences of swallowing the perverse eggs of heresy being dished out from their pulpits!! The outcome will be spiritual death...

These are the words of Him who holds the seven spirits of God [sevenfold Spirit] and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. WAKE UP! Strengthen what remains, and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God (Rev 3:1,2).

The WCG should have been a bastion of truth and justice, but it has thrown both to the wind! It has given glory to Satan and his ministers, instead of to the One who gave the church its commission in the world.

The WCG Commission

The WCG was commissioned by God for a purpose. It was established to promote the 'lost' truths of the Sabbaths (both weekly and annual) to a world of Christendom that was virtually devoid of such truths. It had a job to uphold, and as long as it upheld that task, God upheld the church.

Now they have jacked those things, God has jacked the church!

They refused to listen to the prophets God sent to alert them to their apostasy. And members, like blind sheep, follow aimlessly behind their demented leaders without bleating any objections. A comparative few have got up and left, but how few really!! There ought to be a mass exodus! There ought to be no delay. People should get up and go without waiting another week.

The longer they stay in a decrepit environment, the more decrepit they will become spiritually!

A recent ad on TV states that a few people are regarded as a cult, many are considered a movement, but a mass constitutes a revolution. The 'definition' is not exactly accurate, but it has a point. WORLDWIDE MEMBERS OUGHT TO START A REVOLUTION!! There ought to be a mass departure from this decadent cult! People need to come out and find real spiritual pastures to feed in!

It will be a sad day to have to behold the WCG being exposed through the press. But trial by the press is coming! Mark my words. I don't want it any more than you do. But there is no other way. The intransigent leaders of the WCG have obstructed all attempts at finding true justice.

Malcolm B Heap, 6 March 1998

For an exposé on a major part of the WCG's present heretical teaching, ask for Jacob I Myers' presentation "Tkach's Big Heresy" (16 x A4 pages). Please send a donation to cover our costs, to Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK. Thank you.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK