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Dream Diary relating to the WCG (Part 3)

< Part 2 | Part 4 >


When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal Myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams (Numbers 12:6, NIV).
(H = Helena’s dream. M = Malcolm’s dream, etc.)

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches (Rev 2:7).

These are merely SOME of the revelations in dreams which concern the Worldwide Church of God (WCG).

Earlier dreams are contained in the book Dreams From God About The WCG.



WCG Minister Hides The Truth

5th January 2002. H. 2 dreams.

1. Dream of WCG minister.

He looked much older (signifying spiritual tiredness). He was interested in seeing some of our cushions, which were designed in different shapes, in light blue colour. I left him to have a good look, but when I came back the cushions had been hidden under an armchair seat.

Meaning: These cushions pictured are the MM publications inspired by God (blue, which is a heavenly colour). A few weeks ago we sent a certain WCG church leader some of our literature which he would find interesting and challenging. However, because of pride and fear he would do nothing about the new truths. He hid them away.

Hard Church Leadership
(False Ministers)

2. Evil church leadership.

I was shown men who were used by the devil. They were part of the church leadership structure. Their faces looked rigid, mechanical and hard.

Meaning: These men are false ministers controlling the Church through their leadership, keeping God’s people in bondage and blocking the flow of the Holy Spirit, causing the Church to fall asleep and die spiritually. The Church needs to be released from the grip of the synagogue of Satan (Rev 3:9). God will do this through miracles and the right teaching. But only the relative few will accept what we say from God. Most people are brainwashed in deception and prefer it to uncompromised truth!

CoGs Are Perverse!

17th March 2002. M.

The perverse pride of the Churches of God.

I saw a woman. This woman unzipped her trousers and exposed herself. But she was a man! She was proud to let her male member hang out, and did this on more than one occasion. It was uncircumcised.

Lest you get the wrong impression, this dream’s perverse sexuality was not erotic. God is using the imagery to convey something in the spiritual, if you have the eyes to perceive it. In the Bible (mostly in Revelation), as you know, God uses sexual imagery or likenesses to portray spiritual qualities or characteristics.

The dream was given after an ex-WCG man had called me on the phone mentioning what they had covered in their Sabbath meeting. He had invited a Church of God preacher to come and preach a sermon to his group. God wants to convey something to help him in his spiritual journey towards the Kingdom of God. [But he won’t receive it.]

A woman being a man sounds ridiculous, but it conveys the fact that the subject(s) of the dream should be part of the Bride of Christ, although he (or they) is a man. While one person was depicted, it can include others who are of the same mind. It depicts those with a Church of God mindset.

They have a perverse pride in what they possess, or think they possess. This pride runs throughout the Churches of God which are spin-offs of the WCG system. They are proud of their heritage, of the ‘biblical knowledge’ which they possess, which they have not cast aside like the mother church in her gross apostasy.

But, God portrayed this person as uncircumcised, meaning unconverted. They have not yet allowed the Spirit of God to change them within, but still have a hard heart that is resistant to the cleansing of the Holy Spirit.

To be blunt, they operate ‘in the flesh’ and don’t accept the Holy Spirit, so they reject spiritual gifts, the value of revelation from God through prophets, and the everyday guidance of the Holy Spirit which they could have (when needed) like the prophet receives in dreams, visions, prophetic words and with signs and wonders as God provides to fulfil His plan.

All in all, they simply carry on in spiritual perversity because they are proud and self-satisfied with their present state and don’t want more of God. In this state, the words of God through His prophets sound strange and they can’t understand. Jesus called such ritualists blind.

The Evil WCG

30th September 2002. H.

A black man secretly moved in.

A black man from Pasadena moved into one of our bedrooms with his three children. He did this secretly without wanting us to see that he was there. I peeped into the room and saw the man lying on the bed completely naked. He was apparently separated from his wife. Suddenly he disappeared.

I enquired at the local GP waiting room to see if anyone had seen them and someone told me that they left a message saying they wanted an anointing from us.

Meaning: The man represents the WCG and the three children are offshoot churches. Being black is a comparison with being a Gentile, illustrating being unconverted and evil.

The sudden disappearance refers to the WCG’s downfall through apostasy, members leaving, and its failure to continue as an instrument in God’s hands.

Enquiring at the GP’s (doctor’s) is an allusion to the WCG’s spiritual sickness.

But they want the power that God is giving us, hence they asked for anointing, but don’t want to pay the price necessary to receive it. They don’t want to hang around us because they are of a different spirit.

WCG Woman’s Behaviour Is
Spiritually Lewd

13th November 2002. H. Tart on stage.

I was mixing with many people. I noticed one young woman who behaved like a tart. Some people got lifted up on a platform above the other people, and the tart was there behaving lewdly and exposing her bottom to others. I was furious and when she came down I gave her a verbal lashing for behaving lewdly.

She was shaken by this and ran off. I said to the group of people, “If you are meant to go for somebody, then do it.” [Because people don’t understand confrontation and they shy away from it.] I felt that President Bush was there. He had to deal with unfinished business! [Become truly converted.]

Meaning: Lately we have had dealings with someone from the WCG who has thrown away their spiritual garments – the truth. They elevate themselves, along with others, and our job is to expose their nakedness. Other churches are equally guilty of pride and arrogance, and false teaching.

WCG Unbelief Is Huge!

10th Jan 2003. M. I was talking to a minister from a WCG background. I was trying to convince him about the reality and closeness of the power of God. I told him about what Pentecostals have experienced for a long time – the manifest presence of God in meetings. But he didn’t want to be convinced. I tried to explain to him that when people meet together, anticipating the moving of God to produce the miraculous, the presence of the Spirit of God can be almost tangible. Sometimes it IS even tangible! Either way, you can sense the presence of God, often within. However, this man just didn’t seem to want to believe it.

Then I saw Dxxxx Sxxxx coming towards me. I was glad to see him. My hand was dirty from working with guttering. I had some sticky mastic on it. Mischievously, I thought I would play a prank on D, so I held out my hand, encouraging him to come closer and shake my hand. But, he was suspicious about what I was up to, and declined. He wasn’t in a mood for jokes or didn’t trust me. His caution made him hold back.

Meaning: This is an allegory of the approach of WCG ministers who have known us in the past. They don’t trust us.

I mean them no ill-will, but they can’t accept that. I would like to banter with them in a lighthearted fashion, continuing the friendship of the past, but they’re not interested in responding in like manner. They have a mixture of suspicion, distrust and even some resentment against me, because they know I have said and written much against the WCG. What they have yet to see is that it was not just me doing that. I was used by God

The conversation about the power of God which manifests in meetings reveals how the WCG (and CoG offshoots) have not changed their former bias against ‘Pentecostalism’. When we exited the WCG many moons ago, God led us into the company of Pentecostals. We learned about the moving of the power of God in meetings. We experienced it, and continue to do so every week. We accepted the gifts of the Spirit. The CoGs and WCG have yet to do that, despite any ‘noises’ they make to the contrary. Their unbelief is huge!

I Am Falsely Accused Of Arrogance

11th Jan 2003. M. A person came against me with a very hurtful false accusation. They accused me of the height of arrogance for writing what I have done.

The Apostate WCG

4th July 2003. M. The apostate WCG.

I was in a WCG meeting. A man was standing to address his audience. I was among those present. He was not long into his speel before I heard something wrong, so I stood up and contested what he said.

However, there was very little real interest from the audience. They seemed disinterested in knowing the truth and didn’t care about what I had to say. There was also prejudice, pride, fear, close-mindedness, and other wrong traits.

Then the scene changed and a man was standing before me completely covered in a shroud or cloak from head to foot. I couldn’t even see his face. When the shroud was taken off his head, it was Dxxxx Sxxxx! I was amazed.

Meaning: The close-minded state and deception in the WCG. They don’t want to know truth. D is completely covered with a cloak of deception. He is deceived and is deceiving others, as are other WCG ministers. A deceived person is unable to recognise their own deception.

God’s Love Absent From The WCG

11th July 2003. M. At the WCG.

I was considering sitting in a meeting of the WCG, where F B was due to preach. Some people were sitting in seats, but took no notice of me. They did not show love and were not interested in newcomers. Others were talking amongst themselves in little cliques. [They lack the love of God; it is effectively a social club.]

I realised I was quite out of place to be there. I had nothing in common with these people. They were not living out the Christian life as they claimed. Then I thought of FB who was due to arrive soon. If he saw me he would throw me out, which further confirmed that I was in entirely the wrong place. So, I determined to go and leave them to their own devices.

Meaning: The last part portrays this man’s intolerance of me. Yet, God will draw him out to be with us.

God Calls WCG: “Ugly, Repulsive!”

11th July 2003. H. Ugly, repulsive, WCG Mud-fish.

In this dream, the WCG was portrayed as an ugly-looking mud-fish. I was carrying this mud-fish in a box, as if I was looking after it. This thing was really repulsive and ugly to look at. It had a hideous face and an evil eye. There was a muddy river nearby, so I picked it up and threw it back into the dirty river.

Meaning: An allegory of the spiritually ugly state of the WCG from God’s perspective – what He thinks of them.

The WCG is a demonically controlled cult. They have rejected us and resisted the truth from God which He had us present to them. They don’t want to co-operate. They are hostile. The dream depicts in symbol the judgement they will face as God throws them out to the ‘mercy’ of the world.  God has given them a long time to repent – many years – but they have not. He has lost patience with them!

Through what is coming via miraculous power, which God will pour out shortly to raise the dead and perform other miracles, considerable publicity will be triggered. There will be a lot of negative things said about the WCG because of its failure to seek justice, equity and righteousness. In effect, they will be seen as ugly by others also, and thrown into the river of the world at the mercy of their currents. They are without God’s protection.

Sly WCG Leader

27th July 2003. M.

David Silcox, Regional Director of the WCG in the UK, wanted to meet up with me to ‘discuss’ something. [This represents his final realisation that he needs to try to ‘get in’ with us, after all these years, because of the imminent onslaught of publicity which will project what we say into prominence. We hold the trump card. He’s a political ‘animal’ and does what he does for appearances’ sake.]

I didn’t really want to talk with him. He hasn’t sought me out at all for decades, indicating he doesn’t seek truth and justice. He only seeks to maintain his power and control. So, I didn’t welcome his response. I felt like saying, “Oh just go away!”

But, being more obliging than I probably should be, I looked for a place where we could sit down and spread out a reference work, to examine it in detail. [God is showing that I am willing to examine anything in our teaching that might need revision or alteration to make it absolutely accurate. I seek truth, whereas the WCG does not. They seek what lifts them up or makes them look good. God is warning me to beware; to be wise.] However, it was a real problem finding somewhere to do this.

Finally, we found a table and opened up this big reference work which was like a huge concordance. It didn’t open from right to left like most books, but from top to bottom. I found the page in question and started to try and read it, but the words just weren’t what were in my Bible. I couldn’t recognise the passage; it made no sense. The words were totally different! I was trying to read them when the page turned over by itself [demonic interference], and we were unable to turn back the page, so I couldn’t read any more. It was so annoying!

There was no way we could resolve the differences between us, because the text he was using as a basis for his doctrine was totally inaccurate! It wasn’t biblical at all!

Meaning: A warning that his theology is totally governed by demonic deception. He thinks he knows the truth, and takes exception to MM theology, but his main point of reference is not biblical at all.

The dream also illustrates the absolute impossibility of ever finding a meeting of minds with him. He is of a different spirit. It was not the Holy Spirit turning the pages, but a demon spirit who doesn’t want the truth to be exposed.

Church Folks Are Careless With Truth

11th September 2003. H. Children careless with wine.

There were hundreds of women who were Catholics. They wore old fashioned clothes. They behaved like children at a school playground, running around and being active without any purpose, amusing each other.

I gave these women two containers of wine and they ran off with them like children would. I gave some wine to another lady (TW) whom we knew previously in the WCG. [Because the WCG rejected truth and accepted heresies she is represented as Catholic.] She was walking with the wine but carelessly walked into a wall. She was hurt and the wine got spilt. I was very upset at the waste of the wine!

Meaning: The wine represents God’s teaching, which Catholics don’t take seriously. They prefer to accept the traditional teaching of the church. WCG members have had access to the truth but through carelessness and negligence they have lost it.

We Have Bled For These People!

9th Feb 2004. M. We suffer for people’s complacency.

I was going down a corridor where there were a lot of people milling about. I passed a woman to whom I had given some literature. Her response was complacent and blind. She made a comment that indicated she hadn’t got a clue about our situation. It was something to the effect that she assumed we had no need of funds, that we were OK on that front.

I turned around and said to her slowly and emphatically, something like: “Madam, you have no idea how much we have sacrificed to do this! We have had to go deeply into debt, to the tune of more than £70,000...!” I said more, too. This woman was spiritually dull and uncaring. It hurt! Because we have suffered for the negligence of people like her.

Meaning: This is an allegory of the approach of members of our former church, and WCG people, and CoG people. Their current complacency is an affront, not only to us, but to God also!

God Portrays
The WCG’s Spiritual Madness

22nd March 2004. M. A man was reducing the size of a window in a bathroom which was about four feet square. The window seemed to be between the bathroom and another room (a bit of a peculiar arrangement). He was filling in part of the opening with bricks, and installing a much narrower window only about a foot high and four feet wide. However, instead of doing it like any sensible builder would, by putting the window frame in first and filling in above it, he had laid a couple of courses of bricks below, but was sticking the courses above the opening to the bricks above them (they wouldn’t normally stay put in reality, but strange things can be shown in dreams!). Besides this madness, he intended to install dark or black glass in the window. I asked him if it was opaque glass, since it was in a bathroom and you wouldn’t want people seeing in. He said, “no, it’s clear.” That was pretty stupid, and I told him so.

Meaning: The WCG is as mad as ever!

30th March 2004. M. Returning to former friends.

I was driving along a country tarmac lane to go and see some friends who lived there. I was going to collect some local stone (this was an area like the Cotswolds, where there was local stone for building). To get to them I had to come off this road and do a sharp left turn, which was effectively 180 degrees. Thus it took me in the other direction to get to them down a rough track which was gravel overgrown with grass.

As soon as I turned off, there was a stile or gate which had to be dismantled so I could get through. They put these obstacles in the way to prevent unwanted people (like me?) getting in.

I saw the building stones that I had gone to collect. They were very rough and weathered, and not very many of them.

Meaning: An allegory of returning to collect some people (building stones) from the WCG soon. The other imagery in the dream depicts the run-down, uncared-for state of their ‘way’ which needs remaking, and how they put obstructions to block unwanted people like prophets getting in.

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Further Reading

Confirmation of what the above dreams convey is provided in Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG.

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God speaks to His prophets today just as He spoke to His prophets of old.
One very expressive avenue of communication is via dreams and visions (Num 12:6).
The leadership of the Worldwide Church of God is under God's condemnation for:
1) defying Him in their spiritual promiscuity,
2) maintaining their spiritual control over the minds of their subjects, and
3) repudiating the words of the prophets He sends to correct and redirect them.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK