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A Prophetic Witness Against the Leaders of the
Worldwide Church of God and its Major Offshoots


A Prophet's Warning to the Church
This Prophetic Warning to the leadership of the WCG was delivered in early 1991. Its prophetic witness is as salient now as it was when it was first written.

An Open Letter to the WCG - Parts 1 to 6
Written in December 1991 by a servant of God, this comprehensive document exposes the pitfalls, sins and weaknesses of the WCG and its leaders. Compulsive reading for any who want to learn from the mistakes of the past!

A Message of Warning to the Leadership of the WCG
In November 1992, I was moved by the Spirit to write down these Bible texts and to send the document to the leaders of the WCG. God always sends prophets to warn before significant happenings! The downfall and break-up of the WCG is the result of the WCG's failure to heed God's warnings. These things predicted are now being fulfilled; some have already come to pass!

The Second and Third Warnings to the Leadership of the WCG
The 2nd Warning, sent to WCG 'big wigs' in December 1992, was a caveat about false ministers in the church abusing the flock, and of a coming onslaught against the faith once delivered. The latter is now history!

The Fourth Warning to the Leadership of the WCG
Prophesying the WCG's Demise. God speaks through His prophets today just as He spoke through His prophets of old. He ‘sends’ a prophet to exhort the ungodly to repentance. If the hearers repent, all so well and good! But if they dismiss his warnings, the prophesied calamity later falls.

The Fifth Warning to the Leadership of the WCG
About WCG’s Assault. Here is part of a letter I wrote in 1992 to the WCG, requesting them to retract hostile and untrue statements made about me from their pulpits. This is just  one example of the demonic assault WCG has waged against me.

Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK