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A Prophetic Witness Against the Leaders of the
Worldwide Church of God and its Major Offshoots

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Fourth Warning:
Prophesying WCG’s Demise

God speaks through His prophets today just as He spoke through His prophets of old. He ‘sends’ a prophet to exhort the ungodly to repentance. If the hearers repent, all so well and good! But if they dismiss his warnings, the prophesied calamity later falls.

Here is one example. Malcolm Heap was given prompts by the Spirit to send the following letter anonymously to several hundred WCG members and all WCG offices in 1992 notifying them of matters which the WCG hierarchy needed to immediately address.

The Worldwide Church of God
PO Box 111,
Herts, WD6 1LU.

28th December 1992

To: The Administration of the Worldwide Church of God, England.

Due to irreconcilable differences between Joseph Tkach Jnr. and Roderick C Meredith, Dr Meredith has officially severed his connections with the administration of the Worldwide Church of God, Pasadena, California.

From January 1993, he will be forming the Global Church of God, address:

Global Church of God,
1261 East Palm Drive,
CA 91740,
Tel 0101-818-914-4004

[Global has since relocated to another area.]

Unless the present corrupt administration of the Worldwide Church of God will admit their guilt in permitting the following illicit practices to continue, further demise and attrition will occur:

1. True authority in the Church has been substituted by satanic abuse under the guise of "Church Authority". The present system of authority in the Worldwide Church of God is not a biblical form of church government.

2. The Worldwide Church of God now denies the power of God. It does not teach the truth about healing, as outlined in the Bible. It does not teach its members how to have and exercise REAL FAITH. It DENIES THE LORD THAT BOUGHT THEM!! (II Peter 2:1).

3. The Worldwide now teaches some ethereal, namby-pamby rubbish about the Holy Spirit being part of a Trinitarian concept. It does not teach the biblical truth about the Holy Spirit as the ACTIVE POWER of God.

4. No longer does the Worldwide administration seek after Truth. It wants to preserve its standing in the eyes of its members and in the eyes of outsiders, but not in the eyes of God. It will absorb any new doctrine to please men, irrespective of whether it is pleasing to God.

5. Abused and neglected former members have been persecuted for standing up for truth and justice. Equity has not been sought, nor the pursuit of re-dressing former injustices. A Church that does not seek the causes of justice and equity is a Church wandering aimlessly without the leadership of Jesus Christ.

6. The LOVE OF GOD may be talked about by those who lead the Church, but it is not evident that it is being practiced! If love were being properly practiced, there would be far fewer disfellowshipped from the church. Most who are dismissed from fellowship should never have been so cruelly treated. Many loyal Christians have been victimized and excommunicated by ministers who had no biblical right for such action.

7. The Worldwide Church of God faces inevitable collapse. It is no longer an effective tool in the hands of Jesus Christ because it does not discipline the ministers within who are tools of Satan. They should have been excommunicated, not left in office or posted into positions in the 'field' where they can further corrupt and infect the Church elsewhere.

In short, the inevitable demise of the Worldwide Church of God which will take place in due course, will be directly attributable to the failure of Worldwide leaders to heed the warnings of the prophets God has already raised up to speak out against such evils tolerated within the present structure.

If the warnings of the prophets are heeded now, further attrition can be prevented, but it is too late to reverse that which has already taken place. Signed: Messenger

Malcolm B Heap, 22nd September 1998

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