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A Prophetic Witness Against the Leaders of the
Worldwide Church of God and its Major Offshoots

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An Open Letter to the Worldwide Church of God
Part 1

This letter was written in December 1991 and circulated to about 500 addresses of members of the Worldwide Church of God in the UK and abroad. It was written because Malcolm and Helena Heap, WCG members in the UK from 1970 to 1990, were thrown out of the church without being given the benefit of a tribunal or other form of fair hearing. The dictatorial WCG hierarchy unilaterally expelled Malcolm and Helena without independent or unbiased witnesses, and on the unreliable testimony of a false minister, who -- we now see with the benefit of hindsight -- clearly expelled them out of envy and jealousy.

Dear Friend,

You are probably aware that Malcolm and Helena Heap were disfellowshipped from the Worldwide Church of God by Harry Sullivan, the local minister. Many church members have wondered why they were put out. Those who knew this couple best have been perplexed.

Some have asked why such loyal members, who have been pillars in the church, should be so suddenly expelled from it. They were (to those who really knew them) God-fearing people who not only believed the tenets of Christianity, but who lived by them as well. They showed love and outgoing concern for others in whatever way they could. Many have benefited from the love of God that flowed through them – often in small kindnesses, but kindnesses nonetheless that demonstrated that the love of God dwelt in them richly (Col 3:16).

Why then, were they so suddenly excommunicated? What did they do to warrant such dictatorial treatment?

Church members have not been told the reasons why, which according to scripture, they ought to be. The most obvious case of church discipline recorded in the New Testament is in I Cor. 5, and it is significant that the membership knew why the man so disciplined had been suspended from meeting with them. His sin of incest was common knowledge to most. And in order that such gross moral misconduct was not condoned, he was publicly disciplined.

The purpose of this letter is to clarify just why the Heaps were disfellowshipped, so no one is in any doubt. Gossip and rumour breeds on insufficient accurate information. The following are the true facts behind the Heaps' excommunication and should help to allay any false rumours and gossip circulating about them.

The issues involved in their disfellowshipment directly affect all of us. All members of the Worldwide Church of God need to be made aware of what is going on behind the scenes. For what is occurring behind closed doors of the offices of Elstree House directly affects you if you believe that the church should be a tool in the Hands of Jesus Christ. What has been transpiring threatens the viability of the Worldwide Church of God as an effective instrument for the work of God.

The relevant issues even determine whether God can use this church any longer! For these reasons you need to be informed of the truth.


In a nutshell, it boils down to whether the church is following God or whether it is not.

IF YOU LOVE GOD, IF YOU LOVE HIS TRUTH, IF YOU LOVE HIS CHURCH, then read on. If you don't, then don't bother.

Christ commands you to love Him, "with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your MIND!" (Mark 12:30) If you close your mind and refuse to read the following information you are not worshipping God with all your mind. If you decide to "wash your hands" of any direct involvement yourself preferring instead to hand this information over to your local 'pastor' to deal with, you will not be using your mind and your free moral agency that God expects you to use in such circumstances. You will not be worshipping your Creator if you do such a cowardly, mindless thing.

No minister or pastor is going to get you into God's Kingdom. You have to do what is necessary to be there to receive God's gift. And God is not going to give it to those who do nothing (Luke 19:20-27).

You have to use your mind and thereby worship Him.

So, you should read the following, think deeply about the principles it contains, study the Bible references in it, and pray about it. If you do these things, allowing Christ to lead your thinking (Rom 8:14) to do the right thing, then your conscience can be clear before God.

You must decide who is right and who is wrong and whom to follow, whether God or man. It is your life, no one can live it for you.

There are warnings contained herein. Warnings from God. If you reject them, then God will reject you (Prov. 1:24-32). But if you heed them, God will be with you (v. 33). The choice is yours. No one else can make it for you.

It is not just your right, but your RESPONSIBILITY also.

You must choose. Your choice and your actions will help determine the path the church takes from now on.

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