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Dreams From God About the WCG

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Two Dreams of God's Building

1) On August 29th 1997, I was given a dream about alterations to a building which were going on. I was called upon to do some really tricky work high up, installing some roof timbers. I didn't want to do it because of the awkward nature of the task. It involved considerable risk and seemed to involve balancing precariously on top of a fork-lift's forks high up at full stretch. I certainly didn't fancy the job! But it had fallen my lot. The dream ended.


The prophet’s task is not easy. It is precarious. He goes ‘out on a limb’ to do dangerous, but very necessary things for the Church and which no one else wants to do. It takes nerve and great personal risk.

No true prophet wants the job! That’s certainly true in my case. I was content being a builder and minding my own business. I didn’t want to get a ‘bloody nose’ for God’s sake, but it fell my lot. God gave me the task, and I have no option but to accept it and do it the best I can. As He speaks, so I tell. What others do about it is up to them. That’s their responsibility once I have discharged my duty. They should seek the Word of God from the prophet’s mouth and heed it. Then they will prosper (2 Chron 20:20).

Church Leaders Are Going It Alone!

2) On September 1st, 1997, God gave another dream of the Church. This dream is applicable to any church structure.

7 pillars were being erected in the church, at either end of the building. These were stone pillars, erected in segments one on top of another. We left it up to the builders to install these, and also left it up to them to get hold of the materials from the suppliers. I didn't see any problem with this. The correct procedure was to consult the Designer before each pillar was erected, which those involved in putting them up, did. All went well – for a time.

After a while, however, those entrusted with this work began to think that there was no point in consulting the Designer. After all, they had put the pillars up and thought they could continue to do so. They forgot that they had been given guidance from above on how to place each piece, and assumed that they had done it all by themselves. When it came to putting up the next pillar, they didn't bother getting in touch with the Designer. They just went ahead themselves and did what they thought they could just as easily do by themselves.

However, they had got part way through this operation, when God spoke to someone else about what they were doing. This prophet contacted them immediately and told them what God had said. They were dumbfounded. "How did he know what we were doing?" they wondered to themselves. They were speechless. The dream ended.


Those who start out relying upon God as they erect the doctrinal support for the Church, can easily become complacent. Whenever they assume they can continue on alone, leaving God's guidance out of it, they veer away from what God intends. They can't see it, and when God sends a prophet to correct them they are so unbelieving, and unaware of God’s continual awareness of them, that they are astonished that God should do such a thing. In fact, they don't attribute it to God at all. They don’t believe God HAS sent a prophet to correct them! They just languish in astonishment.

Oh, how blind we all are by ourselves!

Psalm 127. Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain!

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Further Reading

Listening To God
You can learn to hear God's 'voice'. He will speak to you if you put yourself in His service and trust Him. Hearing from God is not as esoteric as most people think! (£2.00)

Holy Fire!
This publication explains about tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophesying through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and how to properly use the supernatural gifts of the Spirit. (£2.00)

Who is the End-Time Elijah?
He was not Herbert Armstrong, nor any other human alive. No one should get puffed up thinking such idle thoughts. This booklet reveals who he is. You'll be surprised! (£2.00)

Prophets and Prophesying
You probably don't believe that prophets exist in the Church today. They are scorned by sceptics. But they are present, just as are pastors and teachers (Eph 4:11). (£2.00)

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God speaks to His prophets today just as He spoke to His prophets of old. One very expressive avenue of communication is via dreams and visions (Num 12:6).
The leadership of the Worldwide Church of God is under God's condemnation for:
1) defying Him in their spiritual promiscuity,
2) maintaining their spiritual control over the minds of their subjects, and
3) repudiating the words of the prophets He sends to correct and redirect them.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK