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Publications of Midnight Ministries


Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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A Message to the WCG
Part 1

This publication is a message of spiritual redirection for members and ex-members of the WCG. It was first written in 1992, revised in 1994 and also in 1998. It is also available in print from the address at the end.

Who has understood the mind of the Lord? (Rom 11:34)


My wife and I were members of the Worldwide Church of God for more than 20 years. God called us into the church and began to draw us to Him through that avenue. We were loyal to it in every way during the time we were members, and we made many friends. Had it not been for circumstances which God engineered, we would still be there today, loyal to its structure, and supportive of those who lead it.

However, events transpired which projected us into direct conflict with certain ministers in the church whose fruits demonstrated they were not ministers of Jesus Christ, but those of another spirit. We were ejected by men whose behaviour displayed sinister motives.

If you are a member of the Worldwide Church of God, that statement may sound anathema. You may not think there could be ministers of Satan inside the church. The Bible says differently (Acts 20:29; II Cor 11; Jude 12). God also warns us that they are very difficult to detect because they appear, on the surface, just the same as the sheep. But "such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness" (I Cor 11:13-15).

The full story of how my wife and I were thrown out of the church on bogus charges by a false minister is detailed in a book to be published shortly, available on request.

My wife and I know that what has transpired has been for the best. Jesus gives us the promise in His Word that "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose" (Rom 8:28).

God called me in 1965, at the age of 15 and drew me into His ekklesia. Through reading the Bible and prayer I came to know Jesus Christ as My Saviour. I repented of my sins and was baptised. I grew to know God and through the understanding He gave me, I came to love His Word. He opened my mind to His Truth. Naturally, because God had used the avenue of the Worldwide Church of God initially to draw me to Him, I assumed that all His Truth was only available through that church. I did not know any better. It was also what members were led to believe. It may be a natural assumption, but it is very näive and fuels the fire of prejudice against other believers. Although this exclusivism is now waning, it still retains a grip on the minds of many in the WCG, and taints the philosophy of the major spin-off groups. It is very spiritually limiting!

It was only when God showed me later that there were many others on earth who are also led by His Spirit, (many of whom have held similar biblical truths to those promoted by the WCG) but who had never heard of the Worldwide Church of God, let alone had any contact with it, that I could see the biblical truths which I held dear were not exclusive to that organisation. [A directory of Sabbath-observing groups throughout the world was compiled by The Bible Sabbath Association, RD1 Box 222, Fairview, OK 73737, USA. This directory contains the names and addresses of about two hundred Sabbath-keeping church organisations or fellowships. And there are many other believers led by the Holy Spirit, too.]

My wife and I were expelled from the church on false charges against which we were not permitted to defend ourselves. We were not given a fair trial, and our former friends in the church were told lies about us which turned them against us. I wrote numerous letters of complaint appealing to the administration of the church to have our gross injustice rectified, but all to no avail. Over the space of 33 months I wrote 55 letters to WCG church leaders trying to find equity. Many of these letters were comprehensive and therefore essentially lengthy. But they were either casually ignored by the Worldwide leadership or dismissed with a few irrelevant lines in reply. If I had been guilty of the accusations that were levelled at me, and if I did not care for those in the church, I would not have bothered!

Since our expulsion, God also led us into the company of other Christian believers, who, although they have some different understandings, display the fruits of agapé love which the Bible declares are the evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit (Matt 7:16-20; 12:33; Gal 5:22,23). "All men will know that you are My disciples if you love one another" (Jn 13:35).

He led us to Christians who also manifest His power – power to perform miracles, healings, and other supernatural manifestations of His Holy Spirit (Mark 16:17,18; Jn 14:12). We are told not to deny His power (II Tim 3:5). [More about God's power is expounded in MG2, A Message to Law-Keepers.]

Clearly, what I had been taught in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) was NOT the sum total of all truth available. God was showing me more. Truth is more than just certain biblical knowledge and understanding. Since Jesus is the total personification of Truth, Truth embraces His power and other aspects of His Being also.

To say that Truth is available outside the Worldwide Church of God may sound to Worldwide members like heresy. If so, that is an indication of the depth of WCG deception. Between 1989 and 1991 God began to totally reorientate my thinking. He showed my wife and me more than we learned in Worldwide. God showed us that He is working with many others elsewhere in different ways. I offer an explanation, here, of some of what God is doing through other Christians and why [More is explained in Who Is The End-Time Elijah?]. Also, in chapter 5, we provide a prophetic insight into some of what God will do shortly in these final hours of human government to catch the attention of the world and declare a final witness.

What this publication contains will prove to be a challenge to members of the Worldwide Church of God and its offshoot churches, such as International, Philadelphia, Global, United and many others of like philosophy. I hope you can take it! If you can, you will be greatly blessed, as my wife and I have been after moving on from WCG dogma.

I seek ultimate Truth and true objectivity. I hope you do too.

I encourage you – if you are a brother or sister who has devoted your life to the Worldwide Church of God, as my wife and I did – to prove where the biggest heresy lies. Does the church have all truth? Is it the only body of believers on earth who represent Christ? Is it the one True Church, as we were led to believe for some time? Or have you been led up the 'garden path' in this regard? Have you believed a lie?

Footnote added 1998:

The present WCG no longer promotes itself as God’s One True Church, despite the prevalent thinking of many long-time members in this regard. However, that philosophy – while it is not overtly encouraged – is still maintained in more subtle forms.

The psychology that the WCG is still "God’s Church" lingers on in the minds of many. More subtle forms of exclusivism also persist in various members’ psyches. And the administration, while it espouses Christ, does not lead people TO Him, but to give their support and loyalties to the human leadership of the church.

Thus, the message in this publication is still valid, despite the ‘noises’ coming from WCG pulpits that the church has changed. It has not yet properly addressed the most damaging cultic aspects of its philosophy! And it claims it is still a vehicle in God’s hands for the promotion of His Work on earth. It is not – not any more!


Members of the Worldwide Church of God were conditioned to believe the following concepts — that:

  • The Worldwide Church of God is God's True Church on earth.
  • It is the only body of Christian believers today which properly represents God, and has preserved His Truth.
  • God does His Work of preaching the True Gospel to the world for a witness to all nations through that church alone.
  • The human leadership of the Worldwide Church of God is divinely appointed and divinely led.
  • Salvation is only available through the WCG.
  • Unless Christians observe the seventh-day Sabbath they are not true Christians.

[N. B. This was written in 1992. Since then, the WCG has radically reappraised its position and teaching – largely as a result of exposure such as this. See footnote below.]

These are false beliefs! They are not substantiable by scripture. They are clever lies which most of the church membership has come to believe. They are concepts which control and limit the spirituality of those who accept them. Through the subtle promotion of such views, the ministerial rulers of the church (itself a corruption of the function of ministers) have been able to exert near absolute control over the members. It is very subtle, but highly effective, mind control! It has ensured the organisation's stability and financial security.

The above six assumptions are not supported by scripture, nor by fact. God's Word gives many indications, when studied objectively without preconceptions, that such concepts are radically wrong. The booklet God's Church – Whose Authority? available on request, deals with some of the issues raised by these six presumptions.

Other false concepts were challenged and biblically exposed through a series of personal letters written during 1992 and 1993 to several individuals with a Worldwide background. The following message is based upon what was written in some of those letters. I have included some of the statements or questions which prompted their compilation.

It is hoped that the truth contained in those letters will help to form the foundation for a new building of understanding, and will help to set free the minds of those who have been spiritually limited, even bound, by absorbing such wrong exclusive ideas. Tolerance of other Christians and acceptance of how Christ is able to work in many different Christian groups must begin to re-educate the minds of believers world-wide. When our minds can be totally free of prejudice, whether doctrinal or denominational, Christ will be able to take us on into much greater spirituality. There is much more for Worldwide members to discover and understand when they are able to release themselves from demonically-imposed exclusivist, isolationist prejudices.

If you hold any of the six philosophies listed above, it is hoped that you will be prepared to read what follows with an open mind and prayerfully consider that you could have been misled.

It is our prayer that you will allow the Word of God to mould your thinking, so that we will all become more like Jesus, our Christ, whose desire was to condemn no one for misconceptions. His desire was merely to set people free, to grant them life, and life in all its abundance (Jn 10:10).

May God bless you and unlock your mind to His complete Truth.

Malcolm B Heap

N. B. These abbreviations are used in the text which follows:

WCG = Worldwide Church of God
PCG = Philadelphia Church of God
HWA = Herbert W Armstrong
CGI = Church of God International
GCG = Global Church of God

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK