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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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The Stupidity of WCG Members

The Worldwide Church of God has indoctrinated its members to bow down and worship its authority structure. The subtlety of this idolatry is lost on most members. They are deceived.

Now the church claims it has been liberated from this cultic bondage of its past, but it has NOT! It is merely another lie added to the ever-lengthening chronicle of WCG deception!

On June 29th 1996, I telephoned a deacon of the WCG. This man is accomplished, capable, and has high standing in the church. He is a Member of the prestigious Board of Trustees for the church. As such, he has a responsibility to protect the membership of the church from abuse.

However, he is not protecting the members. He doesn't even see where they need protection! In his misguided zeal, he is trying to 'protect' them from the input which is given to help release them (and him) from "the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting" (Eph 4:14, NKJV). He is actually siding with the devil and with false ministers ruling and abusing the rest of the folk still in the WCG. His 'defence' is an attack against the ones sent to deliver God's people trapped in an idolatrous system, from which they are too blind to extricate themselves.

Reconciliation Rebuffed!

I wanted to seek reconciliation with this former friend. We had been cut off from his company and from fellowship with other members of the church in 1990 when a false minister fabricated charges against us to get my wife and me expelled from the church. Although his unwarranted actions stabbed deep into our hearts, looking back, I have little regret, for it opened up a door to spiritual freedom which was unseen to us then.

When the WCG threw us out of their company, other members were told that we were not submissive to "the government of God in the church", that we had "deep spiritual problems". Certain members were told other slanderous lies about us, intended to polarise their minds against us.

It had the desired result! We were regarded as scum. Members wanted nothing to do with us, and it caused us to be isolated and cut off from contact with them. Thus, we were unable to influence their minds. The authority structure of the church was preserved!

This is sacrosanct in the WCG, as it is in many other cults. Members follow their leaders, and leaders hold great sway over the minds of the people.

It's really very little different from the way things were in Jesus' day. He contested with the religious leaders then about their hypocrisy and callousness. He called them vipers and worse! It sounded slanderous, but it was not. His accusations against them were true!

Religious leaders today display the same hypocrisy and sham. Too many do not lead people to God, but to follow THEM! And the people don't see it. Actually, Jeremiah prophesied of this debacle:

An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: the prophets [leaders who claim God is directing them] prophesy falsely, and the priests [the teachers of God's Word; church leaders] rule by their own power; and My people love to have it so (Jer 5:31, NKJV).

Jeremiah laments this tragic situation. He asks:

But what will you do in the end? (Ibid.)

Indeed! What is the outcome? It is spiritually disastrous!!

This man did not want any reconciliation with us! His mind had been disaffected against us by the sly rhetoric of WCG mentors, who want to retain control over their members and limit their spiritual freedoms. This sort of control is evil. It is satanic!

Worshipping Men, Not God!

The Worldwide Church of God indoctrinated its members to bow down and worship the authority structure of the church. Of course, they deny this to any who would challenge them about it, because they think they are doing right. They believe the end justifies the means.

It is also highly salient that what a person cannot see, they do nothing to alter. The spiritual blindness in the WCG is phenomenal! The church is governed by hordes of demons, infecting the minds of members with all sorts of wrong attitudes and approaches.

High on the list are:

  • Arrogance
  • Pride
  • Pomposity
  • Self-righteousness
  • Exclusivism (despite the feigned noises to the contrary from WCG officialdom!)
  • Prejudice
  • Hatred
  • Condescension
  • Close-mindedness
  • Bigotry or religious intolerance.

When the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch. The WCG is a classic example of this in modern religion!

It prided itself for decades in being the only true Church of God on earth. It arrogantly claimed exclusive divine prerogatives. Its leadership were exalted to the position of Christ Himself! But members were blind to this blasphemy, because it was so subtle!

The Worldwide Church of God indoctrinated its members to believe the following presumptions:

1. The WCG is God's Church. Therefore all it does is guided by God. Since we must be subject to His will in all things, so members must also be subject to the church's will in all things.

2. The Church is always right. Because the WCG is God's true Church, it follows that its decisions will always lead the church in the right direction and members should not question its direction or contest it. Those who do are in rebellion against the authority structure God has placed in the church.

3. The Ministry are to be obeyed. Since the WCG is God's Church and is being led by God, its ministry are to be obeyed in all things too. They are God's representatives to the people, and the people should not contest their decisions and judgment. Any who do are in rebellion against God.

4. When mistakes occur, it's OK. Trust God. These errors can only be temporary, for the church is being led by God. He will eventually lead it back onto the track if it temporarily veers away from what is right.

Even if the church or its ministry make mistakes these will only be temporary and will be resolved and rectified by God. No member should take it upon himself to try to rectify error or abuses within the system.

And because its leadership is always led by God, there is no need of outside input from any prophets or other ministries. In fact, since the Pastor General is God's representative on earth, there is no need of prophetic input at all. True prophets don't exist today. All those who might lay claim to this function are self-appointed fakes.

These are the major damnable presumptions which underlie WCG dogma and govern the psychology of members. They originate with Satan, the father of all lies, and are subtly implanted into WCG minds through church teaching which ostensibly preaches Christ.

Thus camouflaged, children of God do not see how their faith in Christ is diminished and even substituted by a counterfeit faith which places their church leaders in Christ's position as Leader, Guide, Mediator, Teacher, Deliverer, Lord, and Master.

Instead of being totally subservient to Christ, an unseen transfer of loyalties occurs. This obedience is transferred to the human hierarchy of the church.

In fact, it happens in every organised church which has a hierarchic structure. It is Babylonian in origin, having been passed on to the Christian world through the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, the Mother of harlots (Rev 17:5).

The devil is its mastermind and through this means he holds many of God's people in bondage. His henchmen are false ministers:

...deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works (2 Cor 11:13-15).

In the WCG, one subject is taboo – the devil and his ministers. If it is broached, it is only hinted at or superficially addressed. To examine or probe in greater depth would expose the charlatans who govern this church by very subtly deceitful means. So, it is best avoided.

Avoidance is a favourite ploy to evade detection. For example, in the conversation which follows, the WCG adherent refuses to discuss anything which exposes the church and its leadership whom he idolises.

As I mentioned at the outset, this conversation took place on 29th June 1996 between myself and a member of the Board of Trustees of the church. It reveals the arrogant, close-minded, high-handed bigotry that is prevalent in the WCG. The higher up the 'ladder' you go, the greater the wrong attitudes and approaches exhibited.

Just as the religious bigots in Jesus' day were intolerant of any who exposed their humbug and cant, today's Pharisees in the WCG are equally resistant to prophetic correction which challenges their position of supreme power and control of the people's minds.

Phoning a 'Phoney'?

Here is the telephone conversation as it was recorded word for word (the only part deleted occurs where there is an asterisk (*), and its omission does not change the overall meaning or implication of what was said). [My words follow the letter "M". The Member of the Board of Trustees' words follow the letter "D". I will call him "David" – not his true name, and where his real name occurred, it has been substituted with "David".]

D: Yes, Malcolm.

M: Hello, David.

D: When is all this going to cease?

M: Er, what cease?

D: This persisting in... er, er, all this bombarding us with everything. What is it all about?

M: David, I don't want to bombard you any more than I have to. All I wanted to do — and I've written you several civil letters, hoping that you would give me a civil reply; and I'm still waiting for a reply to the letters. Because you weren't willing to give me a reply to the letters, and even hung up on me on the telephone... um... all I'm asking for is that we can meet together to resolve the difference between us.

D: Look, I have no difference with you, Malcolm.

M: You do, sir!

D: I do not wish to have anything more to do with you.

M: There's a difference there. Why don't you want to have anything more to do with us?

D: I'm not going to argue any more. I shall be going to see a lawyer on Monday, right?

M: I would like to know what it is... [drowned out by David]

D: I am going to stop all this! Right?

M: What have I done to offend you?

D: What have you done to offend me?! Most everything! As you've done with everybody else in the church.

M: But you've never... [drowned out again by David]

D: Why don't you leave us alone?

M: Because... [drowned out again]

D: What's this all about?

M: Because we were thrown out of the church without being... [drowned out again]

D: No, no!! You went of your own accord.

M: No, I was thrown out of the church.

D: You went of your own accord.

M: No, sir.

D: You could come back any time you wanted if you had the right attitude.

M: I have been back and the police were called to get rid of me. Do you call that a brotherly approach towards somebody who wants to find reconciliation with you? Look, all I've asked you for is a civil reply as to why you feel we are justified in being thrown out of the church and why you should treat me with hostility? And you won't reply to that. That's all I'm asking for – for a civil reply to that!

D: For the simple reason I told you when you came here – when we were going off to the wedding – I told you that you were offended by the church, so have I been offended in the church, so have many people been offended in the church...

M: But don't you think that... [drowned out again]

D: And, and... No, listen, hear me out. As Jesus said, there will always come offences. Right? But it's the way you take them. I decided that I would...

M: Who's to say...

D: I decided – listen to me. You've asked me. I decided that I would take it the way Jesus told me to take it, right?

M: Which is that?

D: Take it humbly, and take it, listen, take it, er, er, from a higher authority, to accept it, and take it as it came.

M: What do you mean 'higher authority'? Who says... [drowned out again]

D: The ministers who have been placed over me have been placed there.

M: So you think that they have the right to abuse you because they are over you?

D: Yes.

M: Right. So, you therefore think that we are not right to, um, to raise any alarm or any complaint over the fact that we have been abused?

D: Yes, because you leave that to be worked out by, by Who we believe in.

M: 'By who we believe in' — by God?

D: Yes.

M: What if God tells me to get in touch with you and say, 'Look, you've got some... er, there's a rift between you and David. You go and sort it out.'

D: Oh, don't be so silly! Now come on!

M: I'm not being silly. That's what the Bible says.

D: Oh, don't be so silly. God doesn't speak to you at all; and don't talk such nonsense!

M: 'God doesn't speak to you at all', huh?

D: No.

M: God does speak to us. He's spoken to me today. He's spoken to me yesterday, and He speaks to me every day.

D: Right [unbelieving!].

M: And, I'm coming to you to find reconciliation... [drowned out again]

D: You are not coming to me for any reconciliation...

M: Look, David... [drowned out again]

D: ...because there IS no reconciliation!

M: I know, and this is what I want to find. Now why are you so hostile to me? Why can't you talk to me?

D: Because I don't intend to talk any more, because there's no sense in any what you are talking about.

M: There is sense... [interrupted again]

D: Now I'm going...

M: ...but nobody will listen to what... [interrupted]

D: Look, if you persist... * [now he tries to bully me, and make me feel guilty for persisting in wanting to try and find reconciliation between us].

D: ...and you are causing my wife so much mental distress. [Shifting the blame onto me — the one outside the church is always in the wrong.] It's possible we will now be going to litigation against this.

M: But David... [he doesn't allow me to speak]

D: My wife is desperately unhappy. You have caused her much distress...

M: Well, why can't we talk about it...?

D: We are not going to have you in this home any more. [I was only in his home once, for about five minutes!] We are not going to discuss anything with you any more. We have had enough of it.

M: Why can't we talk...? [drowned out again]

D: We are not discussing anything, any more.

M: So therefore, we cannot resolve the matter.

D: No. It will not be resolved. Let's leave it.

M: It will be resolved...

D: Yes, OK, fine. We'll resolve it in the courts. That's the best thing. We will sue. We will sue for all this damage you are causing my wife.

M: Look, David, I sent you some material in the post that would help your wife, and you sent it all back...

D: We sent it all back again to you.

M: I know, I've received it. You didn't even... [interrupted again]

D: Now listen. Let me tell you again. The solicitor has told us that if we receive anything more we can just junk it, for the simple reason it is unsolicited. We do not have to send it back to you any more.

M: Yeah, but, don't you think... [interrupted again]

D: So if you refuse, persist in doing it, we will go into litigation.

M: But don't you think that you would have a moral obligation towards your wife, by actually considering what we are sending you? What if it is for her benefit and you're shutting your mind to it...? [interrupted]

D: That is up to u... that's up to her to consider.

M: But then, don't blame me... [interrupted]

D: She's already considered it.

M: ...Don't blame me for her sickness, or the fact that she doesn't improve, when you're actually making the situation worse.

D: Don't be so silly, Malcolm.

M: Well, your obstinacy, your total stubbornness and unwillingness to consider our input...

D: Don't be so silly.

M: I'm not being silly! It's you're the one who's being silly in not considering our input.

D: We are not going to discuss this any more. As I say, on Monday I shall be going to the solicitors and we shall send you an official letter.

M: Well, I think that's totally ridiculous.

D: Yes, well that's the end of it. I don't want to discuss any more of it. Now, you go and have a chat with Mr. Halford, you go and have a chat with Mr. Bergin.

M: Look David, I've had a chat... [drowned out again]

D: You go and resolve it at the right level.

M: Look, David, I've had a chat with Bergin and all of them. And Halford won't come and talk to us. I've communicated endlessly in writing and they don't reply properly. I mean, you tell me they're being fair? They're not being fair at all!

D: Well, then you'll have to take it the same way as I have had to take it, as many others have had to take it.

M: Well, how come you approved of our disfellowship from the church when you knew nothing about it, and you sided with the hierarchy's decision irrespective of whether...? [drowned out again]

D: Because I work for those... I am subject to authority.

M: Subject to Satan's authority! And when Satan's... [drowned out again]

D: Oh, come on!


D: I'm not going to carry this conversation on any longer... I will have to take this to litigation.

M: And that won't solve anything, will it?

D: Oh yes it will. If need be, we will have to sue for damages. You're causing a lot of distress in this home.

M: I'm causing distress?!

D: Yes.

M: How do you know it's not your stubbornness in refusing to listen to our input and then get this situation properly and amicably resolved?

D: There is nothing to be discussed...

M: There is...

D: I've seen you at work, throwing deacons to the floor. Now we don't want any more of that. [When a person is not willing to own up to their own guilt, they falsely accuse the one exposing their guilt.]

M: You haven't seen me throwing any deacons to the floor...

D: Oh, yes we have! I saw it with my own eyes. You were in a fight with Gerry van der Wende.

M: Well, van der Wende shouldn't be shoving me around when I have every right to walk into church.

D: No you do not have any... If they were told not to go in, you know full well that you shouldn't go in.

M: Well, how come you print in the Plain Truth that it's an Open House meeting and when we turn up we are shoved away and spat upon?

D: Look, Malcolm, I'm not going to carry this conversation on any more...

M: Look, David...

D: Good night to you. Thank you very much. [He hangs up.]

M: Well, I don't think it's very thankful.

Trapped by Wrong Psychology

In this conversation, the major psychological traps in WCG members' minds are revealed. They think they are free, but they are not. They are trapped by wrong psychology.

A member does not feel free to criticise his church or leadership. He feels he must be subservient to the structure and submit to it, regardless of whether it is abusive or not.

He cannot accept that the god he worships – the church structure – could have the dreadful faults which I am exposing in it. So, his mind shuts down to reason. Sensible dialogue – open-minded and truly objective – is just not possible with such a person. They only want to uphold the integrity of the church and its ministry which they venerate. They cannot entertain anything negative in that regard. To do so is treason. That is the way they were conditioned to react in the Armstrong era, and that is the way members still tend to react, for the most part.

They have not been de-programmed.

They think that any who criticise their church or their ministry are in a "bad attitude". To be outside is to be in the wrong, regardless of any facts. To be inside is to be in the right. This is WCG dogma, and is an extension of the old exclusivism of the Armstrong era, when the church was widely recognised by many outsiders as being a cult. (Many got their identification right, but their reasons wrong. They often used doctrinal reasons to make this claim, when it was the modus operandi of the church which was the damning factor.)

Throw Out the Infidels!

Our deacon friend alluded to something Jesus said about offenses, but notice that he took it out of context and read a false meaning into what Jesus meant. This is what Jesus said:

Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come [they are inevitable in Satan's world], but woe to that man by whom the offense comes! (Matt 18:7, NKJV).

Notice, the offenses are caused by those who are unconverted – by those of the world. If there are unconverted people in the church causing offenses – and they are often primarily false ministers – they are not to be tolerated, but thrown out! There should be no safe haven in the church for those who work the works of Satan! Paul put it this way:

Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned [the major doctrine of the Church is based on God's unifying love being practised – the greatest antidote to apostasy], and AVOID THEM (Rom 16:17, NKJV).

How can you avoid false ministers who have an iron grip over people's minds? It's almost impossible. That's why God has to raise up prophets to speak out and warn the people to GET OUT of corrupt systems that originate in Babylon:

Come out of her, My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues, for her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities (Rev 18:4,5 NKJV).

Paul also went on to say about the 'tares' of the enemy who cause divisions in the church:

For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly [there are plenty of those in the WCG], and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple (Rom 16:18, NKJV).

That's just what Joseph Tkach and his cronies are doing to people's minds. He is following in the footsteps of his father, and of Herbert W Armstrong before him. By smooth words and flattering speech, he is deceiving the simple in the WCG. He is deluding them that he is presenting them with new truth, while he is further corrupting their minds and deepening the demonic strongholds they are held captive by.

The best way to avoid false ministers is to get them expelled from your company. But you can't do that in the WCG. The system is satanically designed to prevent that eventuality. So, if you value your spiritual life, you have to grasp the nettle. There is only one option open to you. GET OUT! And don't go and join an identical clone in United, Global, PCG or any of the other far from ideal offshoot organisations which are as corrupt in their satanic structure as the mother church.

In the same place where Jesus warned of offenses, He gave the procedure to follow in solving disputes (Matt 18:15-20). This procedure is not followed in the WCG. Jesus also warned not to look down on little ones who want to do God's will (Matt 18:10). But this is just what our WCG friend did, and his attitude is endemic in the WCG.

God cannot bless those so disaffected. Don't be surprised when He instigates a great shaking to remove such prejudice and pride!

Malcolm B Heap, July 1998

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK