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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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WCG: Church of the Cloned and Fearful!

Don't let lack of action bring you under the power of Satan's delusion with the majority in the WCG!

From all the hundreds of members of the WCG to whom we have sent articles or tapes for their spiritual benefit, we have received a comparative handful of replies.

These are of two kinds: those that are hostile and those which are positive. But by far the most common response from our former friends in the WCG is a total absence of any reply at all.


It is indicative of the psychological cloning that WCG mentors have achieved over the years, and why church members rarely act independently and spiritually responsibly in such situations.

The stone wall of silence is an evidence of fear or cult conditioning, or both!

Friends who knew my wife and me when we were members of the WCG have been turned against us by what WCG ministers have said about us. These former friends don't realise they have been fed lies. But being trusting, they have gullibly swallowed nearly everything they have been told - hook, line and sinker!

It wasn't hard to achieve. A minister stood up in the pulpit, declared this couple to have "deep spiritual problems" and that they are disfellowshipped "for cause", and immediately our reputation was sullied. Members dutifully follow their overlords' injunctions to have no contact with the "dissidents", lest they be contaminated spiritually! If WCG members receive anything from these "dissidents" in the mail, they are to destroy it or return it. Mechanically, they obey.

Of course, they think they are doing what is right. They don't question the church's rulings on disfellowship. After all, didn't Paul do the same thing in Corinth? (1 Cor 5.) [He didn't, actually, but they don't see that.]

Cleverly, the WCG rulers do not reveal the reason for the former members' abrupt dismissal from their company. A rare person might enquire, only to be fobbed off with a vague, neutralising bit of waffle. The majority of members blindly follow, unquestioning, like mindless robots.

It's very sad - the WCG mentality. But it's the reason for the church's remarkable stability over the years. Some outsiders commented on how good it was to see all these people walking "in harmony". They all obediently complied with church policy and reaped the benefits of such 'unity'. But Hitler achieved similar unity in pre-war Germany. And Russia under Stalin was equally "stable". It was achieved by vigorous purging of any dissident voices!

Outsiders don't see this. Only insiders who are victims know the true price of this false "unity"!

The cult conditioning of minds inside the WCG is so successful that members don't know they are conditioned to behave like robots. They just do. They think it is right to respond the way they do because the application of scripture to support (however speciously) the church's policy "proves" it to them.

And anyway, those who have vied with the system find themselves ostracised so fast, many wish they hadn't dissented with church teaching or policy! They lose all their friends. They lose their reputation. They are told they lose their eternal life! (Which is not true!) They forfeit fellowship and some have even lost families! No wonder the weapon of excommunication is so effective in manipulating people to be subject to the rulers of the church!

The desperation and rejection some experience through this church-induced trauma is so severe, that I know of members who have grovelled before their ministerial overlords to be re-admitted to the WCG! In some instances Worldwide members have been driven to suicide!!

These are not the evidences of a loving church, guided by the Holy Spirit. They are the proof of its demonic control at the hands of ruthless and tyrannical despots who have the blasphemous gall to claim they are acting as ministers of Jesus Christ!!

I tell you they are fulfilling Jesus' words alright! The words which are quoted in John 16:2:

They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God (NIV).

Have you seen a person murdered by religious bigots? Have you seen one murdered by WCG ministers? I have!!

The underlying motive of such men is not good, but evil. They do such things because they have not known the Father nor Jesus (Jn 16:3).

Of course, they think they do know God, but they are terribly deceived. That is the state of the Worldwide Church of God at the moment. They have descended from one depth of deception to another. They are not on the way up, as they claim. They are on the way down - down into the pits of hell! Their new covenant theology that they have adopted is merely a cleverly adopted camouflage to mask their continuing cultic control.

Members have been customarily held in check by fear. It's not a godly fear, but demonic. Fear that prevents open debate is demonic in origin. Fear that hinders amicable relationships is devilish. And fear that binds people to silence is retrogressive, too.

If you want to demonstrate that you are not governed by any negative fear, the place to begin is to respond.

When a Christian is asked to give an account of the reason for the hope that lies in him, what should he do? Hide behind a wall of silence? Peter said:

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Pet 3:15, NIV).


If, up till now you have been silent, please write me and say why that is, and please tell me what hope you have in the Worldwide Church of God. I'd like to know.

If you have something against me, please tell me what it is, and state your reasons according to scripture. Personal preferences or dislikes should not enter into it. And prejudice should not figure in your reaction.

Malcolm B Heap

Reasons for WCG Silence

There are a number of reasons why most WCG members have failed to respond to our mailings:

  • 1. Prejudice.

Many consider that an outsider (one not a member of the Worldwide Church of God) is not worth corresponding with. Outsiders have traditionally been regarded as spiritually dangerous or spiritual vermin.

Then there are those who consider a disfellowshipped member of the WCG to be doubly dangerous. But, if you know nothing about why that person was put out of the church, you are merely acting on hearsay - and that could be a pack of lies. Don't forget that the apostle John was put out of the early Church by Diotrephes. The very apostle that Jesus was most fond of!! Many other true Christians were barred also. Would you have believed Diotrephes' lies at that time if you were there? Would you have trusted him or failed to oppose his decisions and slanderous rhetoric?

Don't let prejudice instilled by others close your mind and generate an ungodly fear or mindless cloning!

Do you realise that prejudice is actually a subtle form of hatred?! Do you hate your brother?

  • 2. Irrational Fear.

Some are fearful of the unknown. "What if this bloke Heap is a 'nutter'? What if he is a false prophet? I would be getting involved, even if only superficially, with a person motivated by the wrong spirit, and I would be disloyal to the church in doing so."

How do you know until you get in touch and find out what "this bloke Heap" is really like? Perhaps he's not all he's been made out to be. Perhaps he is a good man who has altruistic motives for you and for all Worldwide members, but that his godly qualities and motivation have been unrecognised, even slandered!

What if that is the case but you don't respond because of fear? Don't let fear of the unknown prevent you making contact and prevent you receiving the benefit of what he has tried to pass on to you.

  • 3. Inaction.

Haven't you considered that if Malcolm Heap has been moved to get in touch with hundreds of WCG members, that there might be a very good reason for him doing so?

Remember the caution of Gamaliel?

...if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it (Acts 5:38,39, NKJV).

The very fact that Heap's incessant writings against the Worldwide Church of God leadership have not ceased is indicative that there may well be something more behind him than his own words.

Have you read all he has written? No! Then how do you know he is what you have been led to believe? You have been inoculated with a certain opinion of him by others who want to put him down. But you don't know the truth and you never will until you get his side of the story too.

What if he is a prophet 'sent' by God, to alert you to your compromise with evil inside the church? Do you know how to test a true prophet's words? You first have to hear what he has to say. If you want to know whether Heap is a true prophet, ask for some predictions that he has made under the anointing of God and see whether they have come to pass.

If he is a true prophet (at this suggestion, most are so cloned with WCG psychology and prejudice that their minds shut down)...

...what if you dismiss his words as the rantings of a demoniac? Who are you calling a demoniac? Heap and the One who 'sent' him! But do his words sound like the rantings of a demented person? Or do they sound like someone who knows what he is talking about?

If you dismiss a prophet of God, you will come under the judgment of God. Do you know that the judgment of God is a fearful thing? (Heb 10:31.) And one of the judgments of God is that He sends deceiving spirits to delude you and allow you to be taken captive to a lie?

For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness (2 Thes 2:10,11, NIV).

Don't let lack of action bring you under the power of Satan's delusion with the majority in the WCG!

Malcolm B Heap and Jacob I Myers, 9 March 1998

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK