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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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Worldwide Church of God Selfishness

WCG selfishness may not be readily apparent to you if you are a Worldwide member, but consider this.

Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression.... so wrote Isaiah (58:1, NKJV). The trouble is, doing that is costly! In more ways that one.

People don't like to be warned or corrected. And they won't thank you for it. Rejection, resentment, hostility, and ingratitude are some of the bitter fruits they reap from others who don't like to hear the real truth.

It takes effort and sacrifice to do a prophet's task. No one called to be a true prophet ever asked for the job. In your right mind, you wouldn't! It only reaps a thankless reward in this life.

Not only prophets, but also those who have tried to help Worldwiders have reaped a similar harvest of ingratitude.

Recently, I read some comments by one such person which illustrate this malady in human behaviour. This person was John Trechak, who has devoted much of his life to exposing the corruption, duplicity and indiscretions of WCG conduct, particularly in the cant of its leadership. I will repeat his comments here in a moment. First, however, why is it that people react resentfully when you tell them the truth about something, whether it is the truth about themselves, the church they belong to, their church leaders, or the church's teachings, or anything else for that matter?

Why do those who dare to point out things that are wrong receive such a backlash of criticism and often outright hostility? And even those who do receive and believe you, why do they not show much gratitude? In one word, the answer is "S E L F". People's lives are wrapped up in self.

Nowhere is this more true than in the WCG. Its religion was - and still is to a great extent - selfish. For WCG members the church soon becomes an extension of themselves. It's their church. They regard WCG leaders as their leaders; the church teachings as their beliefs; the members as their friends. If you are not a part of their group, it is often very hard for them to accept you. The WCG is a clique, a clone, a cult.

In the WCG, this selfishness is also combined with other evil traits which compound the problem. The church in the Armstrong era declared that it was the one true Church of Jesus Christ; the only one! This exclusivism was a further extension of that preoccupation with self.

It says, in effect, "my church is the only church that God is working with." "The leader of my church is the only one whom God is working through." "I, as a member of the WCG, am therefore very important."

This arrogance may not be that noticeable to you as a WCG member, but it is subconsciously there. It has not departed from the psyche of those still hanging on in the WCG (and also CGI, TPM, PCG, GCG, UCG, and several other WCG splinter groups).

When a selfish person receives correction they immediately resent it. Hackles rise on the back of the neck, muscles tension and adrenalin starts to flow. Sometimes involuntary muscle responses project the written article into the waste bin. Those bristling with more energy may even rip it up, swear at it or deface it and return it with venom to the sender.

I know, because I have been at the receiving end of such responses many times! It's all a result of an unaddressed root problem of selfishness. Humility and meekness are smothered - if present at all!

It's very sad, because it is the antithesis of what God wants for His children. I realise that many who react this way in the WCG are not His children at all, but are the progeny of the evil one. Their fruits demonstrate that. But there are some good folks who have become contaminated by the evil undertones beneath WCG philosophy, and who have been unwittingly caught up in all this spiritual filth. They must come to recognise the root cause is an extension of the self which they are trying to protect - whilst God is trying to destroy! They don't realise they are resisting God!

A prophet speaks for God. I do not come on my own behalf. All that I have written in articles and booklets is not for my benefit. It is for the benefit of you if you are a WCG member, or even if you have left the WCG (good for you!), because these maladies take time to remedy.

"By their fruits you will know them..."

Now to return to what I mentioned earlier about John Trechak, producer of Ambassador Report. His experience is similar to ours, although our tasks have been somewhat different. He has suffered because of the selfishness of WCG folks. Here is what he wrote:

For a number of years now, each new issue of the Report has required more time, more work, and more money to produce. At the same time, it seems, each new issue has generated ever decreasing financial contributions. It has really become almost impossible to continue publishing the Report. In trying to find a way to continue publishing, I contacted an accountant friend and asked him to review our situation and offer suggestions. After reviewing the Report's finances, he wrote me the following:

Dear John:

Fourteen years of having put out Ambassador Report has already cost you over $120,000 of your own money. Let's face it, it's the reason you don't own a home. You need to carefully look over your books again and face up to what your publishing efforts are costing you personally.

To be quite blunt, John, in looking over your records I noticed that you have a lot of deadbeats on your mailing list. Margaret [Zola] mentioned how you've even got some WCG ministers getting ARs for free. At the very least, you need to trim your mailing list...

To interject, JT's experience is identical to ours. We have a lot of deadbeats on our mailing list, too! We send our stuff to WCG folks, unsolicited - about which many gripe (and destroy!), because they are psychologically conditioned by the WCG to do so.

At our expense, we have produced and sent letters, articles, booklets, journals, tapes and videos to try and wake up these spiritually indolent or somnolent people to their lethargy and blindness, and in return we get complaints! After one letter which merely asked for a response to ascertain the 'mood' after we had sent a number of videos, one man had the presumptuous gall to reply by suggesting I should have put a stamped S. A. E. in for his benefit!! What an insult! What utter selfishness! He didn't return anything. He merely criticised unconstructively

We had bled ourselves to send these things, going into debt to do so, taking money from our daughter's wages as a secretary to pay the bills, and all this critter can do is complain that I should have given him an S. A. E. so it made his reply easier! That is a fruit of WCG teaching! Many WCG people have become lazy, unresponsive, and self-orientated!

Another wrote and told me he would destroy the videos I had sent him unless I sent postage for their return within four days. He destroyed them!

Others have handed in (to their local minister) videos we have sent to the WCG, who I am told wipe their contents (which are what they now claim to uphold - what vile hypocrisy!) and then give them to some 'worthy' charity. If WCG ministers had any decency, they would instruct their members to return them, instead of trying to bleed us to death. And, anyway, if something is received in the post unwanted, it can be returned without having to pay return postage. But do they care about us? No! They would be glad to see me dead and our operation finished!

How can such people ever inherit eternal life? They've got some changing to do!

Use of Money Tells A Big Story

Continuing John Trechak's words:

As much as I hate to admit it, I think my accountant friend is right. Although we do have some very fine people on our mailing list, and although a handful are truly generous, the majority of our readers appear not to have the slightest idea of how much sacrifice on our part goes into turning out an issue. Furthermore, the great majority of our readers do not contribute anywhere near enough to justify our efforts.

A lot of AR readers seem to believe I am a millionaire (I am not) or that we have some wealthy benefactor or foundation backing the Report (we don't). I say this because of the many letters we receive from people who ask for so much, yet give so little. I can only conclude that many are not just misinformed, but are living in a private fantasyland. Let me give you a few examples. A few days ago I received a letter from an Australian man who plaintively wrote how the WCG had cost him his wife and family, his health and his job. Nevertheless, he wrote, he had recently rejoined the WCG after begging to be readmitted. This individual had the nerve to ask for free back issues of the Report (at airmail postal rates to Australia, no less) because he could not afford to contribute anything – to the Report that is. To the WCG, of course, he'll be giving 10% or more of everything he earns.

I must interject by asking why it is that people behave like this? It is because of WCG cloned psychology. As I said earlier, the subconscious deeply- embedded belief is that the WCG is "God's Church". That patter still adorns various letters and articles emanating from HQ in Pasadena or Borehamwood. It's just dropped here and there to psychologically – and hence financially – bolster the church's position. It reasserts old dogmas, even though the church has duplicitously 'officially' changed such a stance. With that belief in the back of his mind, a WCG member will give his tithe to "God's Church". After all, he is to give it to God. He doesn't consider the many others also performing worthwhile services for God. Actually, he is conditioned not to consider them! JT continues:

Another reader wrote to me complaining how he hadn't received an issue for some time. He didn't seem to recall that he had never contributed a dime to AR, or that he had moved numerous times without sending us a change of address (thus giving us added postal forwarding fees). His complaint letter was accompanied not by any kind of contribution, but by a list of freebies he expected from us in addition to being put back on the mailing list. He expected free back issues of AR, old issues of WCG booklets and magazines, a complete list of WCG spinoff groups, a copy of the Systematic Theology Project, etc., etc., etc..

Another individual, unfortunately typical of many WCG members, recently wrote how he'd been reading AR in South Africa for years and wanted to be put on our mailing list. He also sent along a list of 22 lengthy questions for me to answer. It was obviously of no consequence to him that for me to properly answer all his convoluted queries would require eight or nine hours of research and writing. He contributed not a penny toward the issues he had already read or the ones he wanted, nor did he provide anything to cover the high cost of postage to his country ($2.51 per 3 oz). Yet, I was expected to drop everything for a day and provide him with answers to all of his problems!

Again, I can concur with John's experience. I have spent whole days writing long letters to WCG- cloned people to help them see more clearly. In some cases, their psychology is so bent that it has taken some 30 or 40 letters to begin to set their minds free so they can learn from other believers, not just the WCG! In return – if I'm lucky – I have received £20 or some similar sop! What a farce! The apostle Paul faced a similar difficulty in his day. People did not appreciate the true value of spiritual truth and freedom, and it was reflected in the fact he had to earn his own living at one time, while still preaching the gospel.

I had a woman irately write me from the States, taking offence at the fact that I had placed a suggested donation beside our publications. Brainwashed by the WCG teaching that "the gospel must go free" (which is taking the meaning of that text out of its context, see Matt 10:8-10), she cut me dead after having freely received some of our materials. To add insult to injury, she also vehemently criticised me for living in a large home – which she wrongly assumed had been built on ministry proceeds! If she only knew that our home was built when I was in business as a builder, before I was plunged into this writing ministry, and that the returns from this ministry are merely work, expenses and debts, she would have had a better picture.

We have spent – mainly on behalf of Worldwiders – tens of thousands of pounds. I have lost track of how much, but it is certainly not profit. It is a debt we have to meet.

And I get accused by them of being "in a bad attitude", "bitter", "hostile", or doing this because "my resentment runs so deep", or other slander.

I praise God that, although most will not see the light, the few who do can receive the wonderful freedom that knowing and believing the truth brings! That makes it all worthwhile, just to hear from those few who do care and who do respond!

WCG Pharisaic Extortion

JT continues his lament:

A mid-west family who recently lost their ageing WCG-member father only to discover he had, over the years, given away the family's entire fortune to the WCG (leaving his wife and children with nothing) recently contacted me asking for help. Through back issues, letters, and long-distance phone calls, I was able to provide insights into the law of wills and WCG policies and was able to suggest how they might find the right attorney to assist them with their legal problems. No contribution was ever sent to AR.

Jesus directly confronted the hypocritical Pharisees in His day about their selfish teaching which divided families and negated the Word of God. The modern Pharisees, the WCG, have repeated the perversity. Jesus said:

All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition. For Moses said: "Honour your father and mother"; and, "He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death". But you say, "If a man says to his father or mother, 'Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban' " (that is, a gift to God), then you no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother, making the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do (Mark 7:9-13, NKJV).

The OT outlined through laws and precepts how to treat others considerately. Besides that, there are NT principles governing a husband's duty which is to provide for his wife, to honour her and to love her, not neglect her (Eph 5:25-33; Col 3:19; 1 Cor 7:3,5; 1 Pet 3:7; 1 Tim 5:8). A church should never accept inheritances when the next of kin are left in want! You don't give "to God" (which in simple minds often just means to one church) when there are poor people who desperately need your help.

God Requires Sacrifice!

For example, yesterday, our son Richard went to town to make a delivery. Driving home in the dark, he caught sight of a man standing half way into the road, trying to stop passing motorists. Richard was naturally a bit suspicious, wondering whether he might be a crank or a criminal about to take advantage of a 'soft' driver who might stop. But fortunately, he did stop.

The man was standing in the cold night air in only his shirt sleeves. He had no pullover or jacket. Richard soon found out that this man had had all his possessions stolen. He was a visiting tourist from Canada, who stayed the previous night in a Youth Hostel in Cambridge. His money, passport, travel tickets, and everything else he brought with him were stolen there. He has relations in Cornwall, so he decided to try and hitch lifts from Cambridge to Cornwall. He had got as far as Aylesbury.

He had been standing for an hour and a half, getting colder and colder, praying for help, when Richard came along. His prayer had at last been answered! But he needed financial help. He was a large man and none of my clothes fitted him. He needed a pullover and jacket, and some money for essentials. We had little to give. I have a credit card bill to pay of £1,200 and nothing with which to pay it. But at least I had credit; this man now had nothing and no means to get what he needed. We gave him £45 which was what we had on us in cash, and he went gratefully on his way, a bit shell-shocked by his experience, but grateful to God that He had answered his immediate prayer.

Why didn't God take him to the door of a rich person? Rich people must have driven past in that 90 minutes. Why didn't God touch one of them to help him? God usually doesn't work like that. People cannot be used by God unless they are sensitive to the call of His Spirit. God waits for voluntary response.

We have had a millionaire Christian call at our doorstep and hand us a gift of a large sum of cash which was the exact amount we needed to pay our immediate credit card bill! We didn't ask him or tell him we were in need. God sent him. But, for the moment, he is no longer supportive of our work because of what we teach. (Most people do not want the truth. They want it watered down for convenience, but we will not do that, even if it costs us dearly.)

God frequently leaves the rich to wallow in their riches and provides the needs of the needy through the sacrifice of others. Sacrifice is the operative word. Jesus sacrificed His life so we could live. Paul and many others in the early Church sacrificed what they owned to provide for others to hear the gospel.

Sacrifice is not just necessary to atone for sin. It's necessary to educate others against it. God expects you to sacrifice – not just finances, but your very life. It is your reasonable service (Rom 12:1, NKJV).

The Tithe is a Thorn for Some

Thankfully, there are some – however few – in the WCG who are not like the selfish majority, But even they are myopic in understanding to whom they should give their money (and / or other assets) to support what God is doing. The understandable tendency has been to regard the WCG as the ONLY repository for their tithe. But Jesus revealed that individuals can be as worthy of receiving your tithe as a church organisation, even some you would not ordinarily consider:

...inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me (Matt 25:40, NKJV).

In fact, the tithe was used under the Mosaic dispensation for three purposes:

  • 1. To support the Levites.
  • 2. To finance keeping the Feasts, and,
  • 3. To provide for the poor.

Deuteronomy 14:22-29 describes the three uses for the tithe. It was not three tithes, plural, which were commanded, but one used for three purposes. Worldwide dishonestly misrepresented what was here, as have various others. When you understand how an organisation functions, you can see why. Imagine what would happen to WCG coffers if WCG members were to suddenly decide to apportion their tithe as God says in Deuteronomy 14. Instead of receiving consistently a full 10% of members' earnings, they would receive an unpredictable amount, as little as only one third of their regular income! It would jeopardise their operations, and ministers' salaries!

It's no wonder the WCG falsified what God said in Deuteronomy 14, to make out there were three tithes instead of one! That was 'pure' self-centredness.

The use of money often tells more about a person than anything else! Jesus said that where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. It's quite clear that most people's hearts are not concerned about others – least of all those who are truly trying to help them spiritually! If they tithe at all (a large number of people, to suit their selfishness, prefer to believe that tithing is an O C principle which has been disbanded – they're wrong – read Matt 23:23!), they would rather give their money to false 'prophets' and false ministers in the WCG!

What a Gall!

Returning again to JT's account:

Richard Scott [a false prophet who presents himself as the 'Elijah', a former WCG member], sent me a letter two weeks ago on the "Congregation of Yahsave" stationery. Scott, who put out a book about his life in the WCG (it's so poorly written it is surely a boon to the WCG), asked me to send him $7 for a review copy of a new tract he's written. Scott never contributes to our efforts and even distributes an overpriced tract that vehemently attacks the Report. Yet he expects me to send him money, spend my time reviewing another one of his poorly written tracts, give him a free plug in the Report, and then tell my readers to send him money. Sorry, Richard.

"You will know them by their fruits," Jesus said. Pride / presumption / arrogance was the first sin in Lucifer. It is primary stuffing in false prophets.

Then, there's the reader who wrote me demanding that I provide him with meticulously detailed documentation on the personal life of Joseph Tkach. This fellow, apparently another WCG member, actually wanted me to electronically bug the bedrooms of certain top WCG executives and to set up around-the-clock surveillance of all of Joseph Tkach's movements with all taped evidence to be mailed to him personally! Aside from the fact that what he was suggesting is illegal (and therefore I wouldn't do it), the cost of such an undercover operation (according to industrial espionage experts I talked to) would be well over $30,000 for just a few weeks. Naturally, our skeptical WCG reader has yet to come up with such a contribution. In fact, he has yet to contribute one cent to AR.

A final example is one that, unfortunately, is all too common. I was contacted by an Ohio wife whose husband had been in Worldwide for a number of years giving $6,000 annually to the Tkach organisation. (Incidentally, my accountant friend pointed out to me how it is not uncommon for people to stay in the WCG for twenty years. And that $6,000 times 20 years at 8% interest equals a future value of $275,000.) The wife's marriage was rapidly disintegrating because of the church and she wanted to know if there was any way AR could help. As I usually do in such cases, I immediately mailed off a few key back issues of the Report and phoned her. Within hours we were able to work out a marriage-saving strategy. A month later she wrote me:

"Our deepest thanks to you and the others at Ambassador Report. As a result of reading your wonderful newsletter and taking your advice, my husband has decided to leave the WCG for good. Doing so has saved his job and our marriage. With $6,000 a year more than we had before, it looks like we'll finally be able to give our three children some of the things we never thought we could ever afford. May God bless you! Enclosed is $10 for the five back issues you sent us."

That letter and the $10 (which didn't even cover the photocopying and postage costs of sending the back issues) was the last I ever heard from those folks. I guess they really didn't feel any need to help others gain the freedom that they had gained. And maybe what we gave was really worth only $10 to them.

Setting the Captives Truly Free

Releasing people from Worldwide's domination is one thing, but setting them truly free is more. True freedom only comes by fully accepting Jesus into your life. It is His truth which liberates (Jn 8:32). This is my only criticism of John Trechak's work in Ambassador Report. His investigative journalism is excellent. He is objective, fair (as fair as a person can be without God's Spirit), and writes very well. But there is no Spirit there. It is a human effort. He unties some of the knots WCG teachings have tied, but he doesn't give people further spiritual guidance to set them on the road to spiritual success. It seems spiritual things have gone out of the window for him since his negative WCG experiences.

This is very sad, and all too true of many who have trodden the WCG treadmill. For many, it was their introduction to God, to Jesus and to aspects of biblical truth. But, its presentation and associations have left a bitter taste in the mouth. Many WCG folks, turned off by the duplicity and shallowness in the WCG have become totally turned off! They file all spiritual matters under the same classification. Hence, they don't find the peace and joy God really wants to give them.

A couple of years ago God spoke to me one Monday morning as I was praying. He told me to read aloud in the next meeting of the local WCG the passage in Isaiah 61. I was taken aback! If I did that, I knew what the outcome would be. I would be shown the door faster than you can say Heath Robinson!

I protested for a while, but God simply replied, "Stand up after special music." I didn't know whether there was going to be any special music, but God did! I did as He said. (I have related the incident elsewhere, so I will not repeat that here.)

What Isaiah 61 highlights is complete release:

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn... to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning. the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that HE may be glorified!

WCG selfishness does not glorify God! you must lay down your life to Him in every way.

Malcolm B Heap

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK