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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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Where is the POWER in the WCG?

The Worldwide Church of God thinks it accepts God's power, but it doesn't really. It covers up its deficiencies by clever rhetoric which is designed to give members the impression church leaders know what they're talking about. But do they? Take a look!

Can you know His innermost thoughts today? Yes, you can! "How?" Jesus said quite simply:

You are My friends if you do whatever I command you (Jn 15:14, NKJV).

Do you know that the leadership of the Worldwide Church of God is not doing whatever Jesus commanded?! Do you realise they are teaching AGAINST the very things Jesus espoused? They do this very subtly. They don't let on what is really on their agenda. The demonic onslaught against truth has eroded one aspect of truth after another over the last seven years or so.

I pointed out in the last article - Where Is Jesus In The WCG? - that one of the biggest lies in the WCG concerns the power of God. The WCG claims they have the power of God. But I demonstrated by a simple comparison with just one evangelist - Reinhard Bonnke - that they don't.

Not only do they not have the power of God working with them - evidenced by miraculous signs and wonders - but they have denied their members access to that power by filling their minds with heretical concepts which prevent them receiving that power.

If you are a WCG member, and are confused about why the church does not have miraculous power, about why it is languishing without an outreach to the world, about why its income is declining dramatically, about why members are leaving, about why there is such confusion in the church, unrest, suspicion, lack of harmony, spiritual lethargy... etc., etc., you need look no further than the statements of Jesus about receiving God's power. The answers are all there in the gospels.

The WCG does not live up to Jesus' statements!

Accepting God's POWER!

You should know that Jesus promised power to His disciples - throughout the Church Age (Heb 13:8). That promise is in various places in the NT. It is not an isolated promise, but one which emphatically resounds to anyone who is really receiving Jesus' full message. He said:

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father (Jn 14:12, NKJV).

Do you believe that? I do! I have seen it occur, so I know Jesus was not kidding. He said that whatever He did, you can do too - if you accept the right kind of faith. It's not a faith in church leaders but a faith in Him!

I have seen blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, dumb tongues loosened, cripples jump out of wheelchairs, and a host of other miracles of healing and demon deliverance. Even the dead have been raised!

All those miraculous signs and wonders have been as a result of LIVING faith in Jesus. The 'faith' in the WCG is not a living faith in most cases, it is a dead faith!

How can you prove that? It is plainly evident by the results.

There are precious few!

All the WCG leaders can come up with are weak excuses and a lot of clever-sounding talk. But results...? That's another matter entirely. Better to steer clear of the subject. It's too embarrassing!

So, the WCG does not address the matter of God's power, other than in an irrelevant way. It never admits to the fact that supernatural gifts of the Spirit are not present. Members have never been taught how to receive the gift of tongues, or encouraged to interpret such supernaturally received messages in tongues, or learned how to prophesy in meetings.

Some other churches demonstrate these gifts of the Spirit. We have them in our fellowship. But the WCG has never accepted them. They are not part of their experience, and they carefully side-step getting involved in detailed exegesis or discussion of the subject because they are out of their depth there. Better to just keep one's toes in the water than start wading out into the unknown depths! So, the leaders keep members preoccupied with peripheral issues and arguments so that hopefully they will not be drawn away to anything of deeper spiritual significance that church leaders cannot explain.

Remember some of the last words of Jesus:

These signs WILL follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons... (Mark 16:17, NKJV).

Let's stop there for a minute. Have you ever seen demons cast out? Have you ever recognised when a demon might be present in someone in the first place? If your experience is determined by WCG teaching, the chances are that you have not. Casting out demons is as alien to a WCG member as a trip to the Moon!

Jesus said His disciples would do it - if they believed!

Do you think WCG leaders really believe in that sort of thing? I wouldn't say so by the fruits! Would you? Be honest! What about the next thing Jesus mentioned?

... they will speak with new tongues... (ibid.)

Have you ever spoken in tongues? I have, and I know many others who have. All our children have spoken in tongues, so the gift is not for the super-spiritual. It's often the first gift given to those who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus than one which is just based on an intellectual awareness of Him from the Bible.

Some years ago, we encouraged a friend who had been in the WCG for over 20 years to come to a meeting of Christians who believed in God's spiritual gifts for us today. He had heard others speak in tongues before, when we had taken him to other meetings of 'Charismatics', but he had never experienced this himself. At the end of his message, the speaker invited any in the audience who wanted to receive tongues, to come forward and accept this gift of God. Our friend went forward. That was an expression of his faith. He didn't disbelieve and stay in his seat, spectating. He hungered for more of God, and God rewarded him. God always rewards open ones.

Praying a simple prayer of acceptance, he willingly received the gift God would pour out on him. He received the gift of tongues. Now he had a new prayer language to use in his private prayer life! It helped to revitalise him spiritually!

He is not an isolated case. Others have come into our company, somewhat bewildered at first about these spiritual gifts, (after all, they are new to WCG folks) and they have received too, as they sought God. After the experience, they found their spiritual lives take on a vitality they never before imagined!

This is the experience Jesus described as the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5). They had already received the Holy Spirit in measure when Jesus breathed on them before (Jn 20:22). Now they were to receive more. [See end of article for more information.]

It's a greater infilling of the Spirit than is first received at water baptism. It is an experience which imparts more faith and more of the power of the Holy Spirit for active service in the body of Christ. Hebrews 6:2 describes baptisms, plural. There is not just one baptism in water. There is a greater, and far more important baptism you need. But the leaders of the WCG have been abysmally ignorant of this and have kept members in ignorance too. They are still continuing to keep members ignorant about this baptism, otherwise they would be shown up for the charlatans that most of them are!

When the power of God descends upon you, you know about it! The disciples knew about it when the Holy Spirit came upon them that first NT Pentecost! Jesus had prepared them. He had told them:

I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high (Luke 24:49).

For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now (Acts 1:5, NKJV).

Refuting Those Who Oppose

In the Worldwide News of 10th December 1996, (on page 19) the unnamed writer states one of the functions of an overseer in the church. He is to protect the brethren from heresy and to refute it.


That's like saying that it approves of talking about Jesus, but not walking with Him. It's one of the many classic cases of double-talk or duplicity in WCG leaders. Members tend to pick up the same traits, too.

The WWN quoted Paul's advice to an overseer:

[He should] encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it (Titus 1:9).

That's right! That's what I am doing here. But the trouble is, the men who lead the WCG will not receive this correction. They stubbornly resist it.

Four years ago, I wrote to David Silcox, Director of Church Administration in the UK WCG, asking him if he wanted us to come to one of their meetings to demonstrate how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit in the church, and to give helpful advice about how to receive these gifts. We had received them after being providentially thrust out of their company and struck off the WCG membership list. I praise God for that day. He has given us such an awakening since then! I don't look back with any regrets. It was a step into new, fresher pasture.

David did not reply. He didn't even acknowledge my letter! I don't know whether he thought I was joking, but I was not. God had me write that letter. "This guy's got to be a joker! What would he have to tell us about spiritual gifts that we don't already know?" The official WCG response is indicative of the abysmal lack of awareness of their spiritual penury. Like Laodicea, they think they have all they need.

The Foolish Virgins

Jesus described by a parable the somnolent state of the Church at the end, shortly before His coming. I don't know if you have ever read it carefully in Matthew 25, but He says that ALL the virgins fall asleep. If you thought that only five out of the ten fell asleep, you didn't read it properly. It doesn't say that.

Falling asleep spiritually means you are missing something which God wants you to have as one He is preparing to be part of the Bride for His Son. It is akin to spiritual blindness. You have a spiritual lack.

You might be able to see spiritual lack in other segments of the Church, but it is rare for people to see their own deficiency until someone else points it out to them. In the parable a "cry" goes out at Midnight to prepare the Church for Jesus' imminent return. Do you know what that is? The prophet was the customary "crier" in the OT. God sent prophets to awaken His people from their spiritual slumber. He sends prophets today. He does not change (Mal 3:6).

In the parable, the virgins all fall asleep and a crier 'comes along' to awaken them. Not all of them are doing what they should with regard to the oil of the Holy Spirit. The oil is available, but only half of them take it with them in their spiritual journey.

When the cry rings out and panic finally seizes the virgins, the foolish ones don't know how to receive the oil they need. They go to the wrong place. They look to others who have it, instead of to the Giver of that oil (Matt 25:7,8). That is typical of a major problem in human-dominated churches. People follow other people. Generally, they follow the ones who are appointed to lead their church. But, as I have pointed out, that is rank idolatry. You will not be blessed with proper spiritual direction if you follow this sheep instinct.

The 'Cry' To Awaken

Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church at this time! A "cry" is going out. But how many are heeding it? Few at this time. Why? Because they allow the mentors who oversee their churches to lull them to sleep, spiritually.

Do you know what keeps the Church alive? It is the presence of the Spirit of God, revitalising each member. How does the Holy Spirit do that? There must be a flowing of the Spirit, otherwise it becomes like a stagnant pool. How does the Spirit flow in meetings?

Perhaps I should rephrase that question, "How should the Spirit flow in meetings?" because the Spirit does not flow in meetings of the WCG! The Spirit is recognised and given latitude to move via the expression of the gifts of the Spirit which each individual member is graced with by God.

The trouble is, in the present dead spiritual state in the WCG, there are no spiritual gifts being manifested or exercised in meetings! It's all a sham. If you don't believe me, request some videos we have distributed on which there is evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit through spiritual gifts in meetings. [Refer to the end of this article for information on these videos.]

Why am I saying all this? Does it matter?

Yes, it does! Very much so!

If spiritual gifts are not encouraged, or allowed expression in the Church, the Church withers and eventually dies! That's how much it matters. It is a matter of life or death! And I'm not talking about mere physical death. I mean spiritual death!!

Half the Church depicted in the parable of the ten virgins did not take oil in their lamps! You ought to know what that means. If not, read my article Are You Among the Wise or Foolish Virgins?

There are far too many children of God naively meandering through life, not taking the oil of the Spirit. Church leaders have even deceived them into thinking that they have the Holy Spirit when they haven't yet received enough to demonstrate God's power! The power aspect is evidenced by supernatural gifts of the Spirit. [Refer to footnote 3 at the end for more information on this.]

How did the disciples know the Holy Spirit had come upon them in power? They spoke in tongues and others heard them in their own language (Acts 2). How did others receive the Holy Spirit with power in the book of Acts? Take a look through and see that tongues was a regular feature of the acceptance of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:44-49; 11:15,16; 19:6).

Prophesying was also well received (Acts 19:6; 21:9-11; 1 Tim 1:18; 1 Thes 5:20; 1 Cor 14:31).

Does your church - the WCG - allow speaking in tongues or prophesying? Does it teach about these supernatural gifts? Or are they embarrassingly shoved on one side? That is against scripture (1 Cor 14:39).

Do you dare put aside something God has given His NT Church? Do you dare let WCG leaders shelve it for you? If you do, you are very foolish. You are letting men dictate your spiritual experience, not God. And that is idolatry! You are to follow Christ, not men who usurp His offices.

If you are to be ready when Jesus returns, you must get to know Him now, and allow Him to come into your life more. Otherwise, when He returns He will say "I don't recognise you", or "I don't know you". Why would He say that?

If you don't have His Spirit living in you, you will not have anything He can relate to.

Of course, the usual response to this by somnolent believers is "Oh, I've got the Holy Spirit. That is evidenced by the fruits of my life, not by spiritual gifts." It ought to be evidenced by BOTH!

The evidence of the early Church was one of power that could only have come from God. Miraculous power of the pure kind is incontrovertible evidence of divine working. Part of the cry going out now is to awaken you, if you are ignorant, to the need to accept and demonstrate this power in your life so others can be drawn to Christ through the power of His gospel.

The Power Should Be Evident

The power of the gospel is not in persuasive words, but in vivid supernatural demonstration. Paul said:

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power (1 Cor 2:4,5, NIV).

This power of God which was with him in his ministry was in miraculous demonstration where he preached. He cast out demons, healed the sick and even raised the dead on at least one occasion. The power of the gospel was not just in clever words, like the Tkach junta is pouring out.

In fact, Tkach is so devious with his rhetoric that he writes as if the WCG already has spiritual gifts, which it does not. These gifts are not natural proclivities, but supernatural graces. They are given by God, through divine endowment. They are not a result of human achievement. And where such supernatural gifts are accepted, they are visibly evident. You don't' see this evidence in the WCG. It simply isn't there because the leadership are leading members astray.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Not long ago, for some reason, we felt strongly moved [that was the Spirit of God prompting us] to hold a prayer meeting one Saturday evening and to video it. We didn't know why. That only became clear later.

The few of us in our home fellowship got together in the lounge. I started by reading a portion of scripture. The text which God led us to read was Psalm 107. This psalm explains how God only comes into our lives fully after we really feel our need for God. Complacency is a spiritual killer. But brokenness opens the door to spiritual power.

It was a summary of why God allows calamity and trouble. People do not seek Him while they are comfortably ensconced within an armchair church. Nor does God's power manifest in those situations, except as people are individually at their wits' end. When they cry out to God with all their heart, then He delivers the goods. You often have to be desperate to receive the miraculous from God.

After reading that psalm and just being reminded of that fact, the power of God fell. My son Richard started to speak in an unknown language and I received a spontaneous interpretation of what he was saying in tongues. Then another person present was moved to speak out under the anointing of the Spirit. He prayed in languages he had never prayed in before. Some of these tongues were oriental. In fact, it was so unusual to hear this oriental 'stuff' coming from him that I burst out laughing and so did others. It was so funny. God really lifted our spirits that evening. [If you would like a copy of a video of what took place, refer to footnote 4 at the end.]

That is an example of allowing the Spirit to flow and letting the power of God manifest.

The trouble is, most Worldwiders have been brain-washed by decades of prejudicial teaching to regard all such manifestations of the Spirit as demonic in origin. They look on them with suspicion. They actually fear them!

It is a subtle ploy of the devil to instil fear. He does that to neutralise the working of the power of God in the lives of God's children. That power would do them good if they would only believe. But the WCG has taught them to doubt, to question and to fear.

Unbelief reigns in the WCG, and people of God there are held in bondage by such irrational fears.

What Jesus Wants Most

I asked you at the outset if you knew what Jesus wants most at this time. HE WANTS HIS BRIDE TO ACCEPT THE FULLNESS OF THE OIL OF HIS SPIRIT so she will be truly prepared for His return.

If you continue to believe the soporific trash WCG mentors are dispensing to you about the church finding the true gospel at last, you are being duped wholesale. If you continue to accept their lies that the WCG already has the gifts of the Spirit which I am trying to promote in the church, you will not receive them. You won't think there is anything lacking in your spiritual experience, so you won't hunger and thirst for His fullness. And if you deny the operation of true spiritual gifts you are denying the Giver - Jesus Christ. Not me - Him. I am only a messenger.

Whether you choose to accept them is up to you. Naturally, I hope you do, but no one can force another to accept the goodness of God or the fullness of Him. That is all down to free choice.

However, if you do want to receive these supernatural gifts of the Spirit of God, then I can tell you how you can.

  • 1. Believe

First you have got to believe that they are for today. Don't disbelieve Jesus' words in Mark 16:17-20. Read all you can of the experiences of others such as Smith Wigglesworth who had a miraculous preaching ministry more than 50 years ago, and of the lives of others like him who learned that God dispenses power today. They will build up your faith.

  • 2. Seek God

Seek God for more of Him, for more of His Spirit. Jesus promised to give the Holy Spirit to those who seek Him (Luke 11:9-13), to those who hunger and thirst for Him (Matt 5:6). Notice how willing God is to give His Spirit! And compare Luke 11:13 with the parallel passage in Matthew 7:11. Scripture is very deliberate in its wording. Matthew uses the words "good gifts". Luke says "His Spirit" - gifts of His Spirit!

You have not received the full blessing of His Spirit until you receive His spiritual gifts for you.

  • 3. Renounce WCG Heresies

This point is pivotal. Before you can believe, and before you can receive, you have to stand against the devil and tell him to clear off (Jas 4:7). Then you must submit to God and accept all He has for you.

You cannot serve God and human masters (Matt 6:24). You have one Lord, and He is Christ. The product of physical man and his religions is evil - and the WCG is not exempt. It peddles perversions of truth!

The WCG now promotes so-called 'New Covenant Theology'. It is a subtle form of rebellion!

If you love Me, you will obey what I command (Jn 14:15, NIV).

The WCG leaders who have 'legalised' breaking God's law and justified it with human rationalism, clearly don't love Jesus! They say they do, but they are liars. You are to beware wolves in sheep's clothing and you must renounce their heresies. Otherwise part of you will become the devil's property, not God's (Rom 6:16).

Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to Him... If anyone loves Me he will obey My teaching. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him (Jn 14:21, 23, NIV).

Do you see that obedience to everything God commands is foundational to receiving from God? (1 Jn 3:22-24; 5:3,14,15.) Whatever truth you grasp from the Word of God which He commands you to obey, obey it. And He will grant you His spiritual power. Need I say that this obedience is not a superficial obedience to outward commands, but one which takes place deep inside, and ignites the love of God in you.

....obey My commands [and] you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed My Father's commands and remain in His love... that your joy may be complete (Jn 15:10,11).

Malcolm B Heap

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Further Information

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gifts God imparts through this baptism are explained in more detail in a series of articles under the title Holy Fire! (£2.00) Please write to Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK, for a copy.

Some videos are: 1. And These Signs Will Follow Those Who Believe! 2. Spiritual Gifts in Demonstration. 3. Receiving The Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Other videos are available. Please write for a complete list to PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK.

If the subject of spiritual gifts is new to you, request the 4-part article series An Introduction to the Spiritual Gifts, and also Holy Fire!

If you would like to see the video we recorded that evening of what transpired, please write to Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK, and ask for the Prayer Meeting Video.

If you are able, please send a donation to cover our costs as we are a faith ministry, not supported by a backing church organisation. Thank you.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK