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Articles for the Benefit of Members and Ex-Members of the WCG

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Exposing Worldwide's Demonic Dirt!

Leaders of the Worldwide Church of God make many laudable sounds. But their love of truth and justice is a pretense. Read here of the real character traits which they are fostering.

At the end of a previous article which was addressed to members of the Worldwide Church of God, I asked, "Which spirit do you submit to?" From the response I had it is patently clear which spirit MOST submit to! It is profoundly evil!

One woman curtly demanded I stop sending her our mailings. She was one of several. There was no love of God evident in her response. In fact, even politeness was lacking. The booklet which I had sent had been retained (or destroyed!), the other items returned. She said:

Malcolm [no "Dear..."]

Please remove us from your mailing list. We never requested any literature from you. You are wasting your money because we have never looked at any of it.

I wrote her this short letter, hopeful that there might be some love of God in her which she could stir:

Dear Xxxxxx,

You recently returned a packet to me. I had sent you a booklet God's Church - Whose Authority? together with three audio tapes of various Christian speakers and a paper about demonic subjugation with a covering letter. You have kept the booklet and returned the tapes. I trust you will read the booklet and either prove me wrong, or make use of the information there.

However, the tone of your reply would suggest hostility. Why is that? I have not sent you anything with malice or hostility. I have sent you, along with hundreds of others, various pieces of literature or tapes for your spiritual edification. Yet you say you have never looked at any of it.

Are you not a Christian? If Jesus knocked on your door and wanted to talk with you, would you snub Him by shutting the door in His face? Proverbs 18:13 says it is a folly and a shame to answer a matter before hearing it. Yet that is your response.

I enclose again the paper on how demons are disaffecting people's minds, turning them hostile towards other brothers and sisters. I would be grateful to hear from you. If you don't agree with something I have sent, please write to me telling me what that is and giving your reasons as the Bible says (Gal 6:1; Jas 5:19,20).

A friendly gesture should not be met with a hostile response, which is what you gave me. I forgive you for that. It won't concern me if you are willing to recognise your sin and turn from it.

May I remind you of Jesus' words that in the last days many would hate other brothers and turn away from the faith (Matt 24:10). That is happening now, and is why I sent you what I did out of concern for your spiritual welfare.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,


She replied by writing on the back of my letter:

No hostility intended or felt, Malcolm, [Oh no?!]. I just didn't want you to waste your money. Go ahead and send me stuff - it will go right in the bin.



Huh! What love?!

Demonic Fears!

It is hardly a Christian response to bin spiritual materials without first carefully examining their contents! It is a DEMONIC trait! Close-mindedness and bigotry are not aspects of true spiritual character.

If a Christian brother requests your response, does he not have a right to hear from you in a civil manner, if not even in the love of God? If he brings to you some new revelation or understanding, is the right response to tell him to shove off?

Is the fear of having demons cast out what causes you to ask him to leave? (See Matt 8:24.) This fear is from the evil one. Those who submit to it are submitting to Satan! They prefer to hold on to their demons than accept the deliverance God offers them!

The only fear you should tolerate is a constructive fear. The most constructive fear is the fear of God. That is a fear which motivates you to depart from evil and to shun demons.

That is why I have sent various mailings to you and to hundreds, if not thousands, of others. The purpose of all these is to encourage a deeper reverence for God and a deeper spiritual awareness. What I have sent points out sin. It provides further aspects of truth. It enables people to draw into a closer relationship with their God - if accepted!

But it seems Worldwiders don't want that. They want to worship their gods - the men who lead them. They will not fight the demons that bind them. Rather they fight the one who is sent to give them release.

When a Prophet Comes

The right response to the arrival of a prophet of God is to welcome him, listen to what he has to say, check it out with the Word of God, and, obey it when it tallies!

Do you think a prophet would not come unannounced? Do you think he would be invited? Do people trapped in sin and deception invite prophets to come and correct them? Of course not!

Do you invite prophets to come and minister in your church? If you are in the WCG or its offshoot organisations, no!

So, how will God reach you if He wants to? If you are not listening to Him, He will use a prophet. He comes unsolicited. He's not invited; and, in fact, because Satan wants to prevent the prophet's message being received and producing its righteous effect, he erects a barrage of defences in your mind against him.

This starts before the prophet 'arrives'. Satan knows what is ahead, so he is quick to do his deception even before the man of God comes on the scene with what God gives him for your benefit.

I have mentioned before some of the demonic defences he erects to thwart God's revelation. Here's a short list again. He infects your mind with:

  • 1. Prejudice

Worldwiders are conditioned not to accept prophets. They have been taught in the past that prophets just aren't around today. The WCG still does not really acknowledge the validity of the prophetic office or the actual existence of true prophets of God. Members are mentally conditioned against them.

  • 2. Hostility

It does not take much, once so prejudiced, to turn hostile against one who has the 'audacity' to claim he is such a prophet. To a Worldwider, the suggestion deserves ridicule, it is so preposterous! Hence Worldwiders are dead against me for the 'outrageous' things which I have said against their idols - their church, its leadership and its teachings. This hatred is easily pumped into them by the master deceiver.

  • 3. Pride

The basis of prejudice and hostility is often pride. When a person is proud of their church, their beliefs, their ministers, their church's achievements, etc., they won't listen to another from outside their borders. They don't think they need to! Too many Worldwiders still think they are "it". They think they have arrived; that they are God's chosen and a very special chosen, too. Their exclusivism hasn't abated since their adoption of so-called New Covenant theology, it has grown even more. It is bigger than ever! The devil loves it! He's got you right under his thumb!

  • 4. Fears

All negative fears are not from God. They are from the evil one. Yet Worldwiders fear the prophet. They think he is from the devil himself! Because his message sounds so bizarre, they can't relate to it. They are so spiritually dull that his words are like a pipedream or a tall story. They assume he must have lost his spiritual senses. "He's gone crazy!" So they cut him off out of fear. They fear being 'contaminated' by him.

In actual fact, if they were being guided by the Spirit of God, they would fear nothing of the sort. They would not fear to communicate with him. They would be prepared to fully investigate all his claims.

But it doesn't take them long to see that the implication of his words means they need to repent, or they need to leave their present church to come out and find the light of God's revelation. Then panic seizes them. "What! Have we been so deceived all these years? Have false ministers deluded us that much!?"

The prospect of admitting to such reality fills them with dread. It treads painfully on their toes and gives them a hurtful foreboding. In weakness, they take the easy way out. Instead of acknowledging their spiritual penury and taking courageous measures to get back again on the right track, they reject the prophet. They shut the door on him and refuse to hear his words.

Blindness intensifies. Darkness deepens.

Judgement falls.

That is the outcome when men and women reject the warnings of God and prefer to choose to follow the more libertine false 'prophets'. They don't want harsh words. They want to sit in the cosy corner.

Satan's Spiritual Prison!

A man wrote me recently about a dream he received from God warning him of his precarious spiritual condition. He didn't know what to make of it but he knew we receive revelation of this sort continually so he asked me to tell him what it meant.

In this dream he was imprisoned with an evil spirit. It was so disturbing he thought this evil being might be Satan himself! He was frightened. He said:

"I think we were there for eternity! Then a guard came along and tried to separate us. He tried to get me into a separate cage, smaller but stronger.

"But suddenly I think that the guard is the one trying to trap me for eternity and I don't go into the second cage. I end up back in the original prison... with the evil spirit still there."

The following night he dreamt that he was being attacked by lions just like the early Christians.

These dreams apply to those in the WCG, especially to people who have received our mailings. I wrote him about his dreams:

You are in prison with an evil spirit.

Evil spirits trouble all God's people, so you are not alone in this. Don't condemn yourself on that score. We must all fight them continually. As we resist the devil, so he flees from us. The help to do this comes from God's Spirit. As we submit to His Spirit, and allow God to live in us, both in our mind and actions, so the evil spirits leave.

All church organisations are prone to permitting certain evil spirits to hold sway. Their teachings are compromises of the pure Word of God. Those compromises are a reflection of demonic interference and demonic presence. Purity in approach - humility, like a small child, willing to accept further revelation of truth, understanding and spiritual experience - this is a reflection of the presence and working of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit flushes out demon spirits, like water replaces air from a bottle. When people resist accepting further revelation, they effectively repel God's Spirit and welcome a demon spirit who implants his false concepts in their mind. They choose to believe error because they did not choose to love the truth (2 Thes 2:10).

The WCG and CGI (and their offshoots) are only two examples of heavily demonically influenced churches. They had some truth, but they had error too. That error is established in members' minds through demons. These demonic strongholds in the WCG and CGI centred around its teaching. You may have noticed that people from these groups tend to be somewhat exclusive, or feel that they have arrived at a pretty complete appraisal of the truth whereas others (they feel) haven't. This is a demonically engendered pride. It creates an attitude of self-sufficiency or complacency, self-righteousness and looking down on others. They tend to think in terms of "I've got all I need now", spiritually speaking, or "I'm better than others," or "I belong to God's Church" (implying that others don't).

These feelings of arrogance are implanted by Satan and his demons. He works on those who accept aspects of truth to cause them to get puffed up. That pride then prevents them moving on spiritually and learning from others. Their psychology prevents it. It is a demonic psychology, but they don't see it that way. They are deceived. Thus, Satan has them in a prison.

This is what your dream depicts.

You feel like you are in this prison for eternity.

The consequences of demonic acceptance are frightening if perceived. Most don't perceive because they don't want what God is offering. But as we open up to Him, He is able to reveal more of spiritual reality to us.

He wants to take you out of your spiritual prison and lead you on.

A guard came along and tried to separate you from Satan.

God uses people to help others so they can move on spiritually. You called this person in your dream "a guard". Perhaps he might be a watchman, someone who stands guard for the children of God - one who stands on sentry duty, if you like. That function was performed by prophets in the OT (Ezek 3:17; Jer 6:17). Perhaps it means a prophet has come into your life to try to help release you from misconceptions which Satan has used to hold you in his prison.

He tried to get you into a smaller but stronger cage. But you think that he might be trying to trap you so you don't go. You stay put.

He is concerned for your spiritual well-being and wants to lead you on, but you fear that he might be taking you into a worse deception, so you resist. Could this be a fear you have about accepting what God has revealed to [the prophet]? Or other similar understandings that the WCG, CGI and its clones will not acknowledge? They have a very restrictive view on these matters which holds their people back from appreciating the full love of God, His care for us... Satan implants irrational fears about this to prevent people accepting this truth. He uses isolated biblical texts to try and convince them of the correctness of their fears.

In your dream, you rejected the guard's help. This pictures your unwillingness to accept the further revelation God has offered you through another. Psychologically, you want to go back to your previous way of thinking and stay there. But it is satanically influenced.

You were being attacked by lions (second dream).

This depicts the onslaught of the spiritual enemy in attacking you in various ways. This could have several meanings, all of which centre around Satan being the lion who seeks to destroy us spiritually (1 Pet 5:8).

One which may be pertinent is that if we resist accepting more of the Holy Spirit, we allow the lion in to devour us. This is an aspect of the judgment of God. He allows the lion to attack us until we learn to submit to God's ways which are far better than ours.

I hope this explanation helps. This is just a start. There is more which it will mean to you. God doesn't reveal everything to me. He will reveal pertinent things to you as you learn to listen to Him speaking to you. He speaks through an intuitive 'voice' inside, or in the mind, more often than not. If we resist that voice, which is encouraging our repentance and prompting us to do good, Satan comes along to try and get us to do what he wants. God always speaks first, but His 'voice' will not be loud and demanding. Satan comes next, and may be much more persuasive.

Personal spiritual discernment is something which we all have to grow in. It is most needful.

Worldwide Abominations

In the course of our ministry, we have received a barrage of vile responses from WCG folks. Many, of course, don't bother to reply. Former friends from the WCG have turned so hostile that some don't disguise their hatred. One man, who was once a close friend, said vitriolically that he simply bins anything which comes from me without a second glance! He doesn't realise he is binning the very things which could release him from his bondage.

To justify their wrong actions, I am falsely accused of various wrong attitudes and responses. Shifting the blame is a classic ploy. But it holds no water with God.

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it (Jer 17:9).

God does! That's why He sent the prophet along to show you where your wicked heart is deceiving you under Satan's influence!

When you resist God through one of His prophets, you open yourself up to all sorts of evils. Your mind becomes debased (Rom 1:28, NKJV).

... being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things.... undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful... (Rom 1:29-31, NKJV).

This is some of the dirt Worldwiders have thrown at me and my family in the past seven years, since they embarked on a vicious ministerial-invoked campaign of slander and character assassination of the Heaps. All these evil characteristics have been displayed by WCG members and their associates against my family.

On a couple of occasions, my son and elder daughter went to try and visit friends who were supposedly good friends - at least, they seemed to be 'good' while we were part of their organisation.

At one home, the door opened, but once they realised who it was, their friendliness sort of vanished. They were not welcomed inside as usual, and the conversation was kept as brief as possible.

At the other home - that of a WCG minister whom we had spent amicable time with previously, and for whom I had even done favours as a builder - the front door did not even open! Peering from behind a curtain, the occupants decided 'not to hear' the doorbell and simply ignored the callers. Richard and Tonya were discouraged. Here were friends their own age whom they had grown up with in the church, who disowned them through no fault of their own. Presumably it was their parents' fault. But no one ever gave valid reasons. WCG ministers, by their venomous rhetoric, had turned love into hatred and divided very friends.

These six things the Lord hates; yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that devises wicked plans;; feet that are swift in running to evil; a false witness who speaks lies; and one who sows discord among brethren (Prov 6:16-19, NKJV).

There you have God's appraisal of it all. This is the demonic dirt of which the WCG refuses to repent in its mistreatment of our family and repudiation of our message from God. Instead of admitting their guilt in true humility, they try to shift the blame to me by claiming I am at fault in my response to the vile way their ostentatious ministry treated us seven years ago. They call me "unforgiving" for reminding them of their unrepented sins. But who is digging up the dirt and throwing it at whom?

WCG ministers have thrown dirt at us in the past. Now they have given it to their members to throw. They are too clever to be seen performing such vile acts themselves, so they transfer their demonic influence to their followers. They subtly implant malicious devilish psychology in members, who do the nasty business for them!

I had packets of mail returned with vindictive epithets splashed over them in big lettering: "SPIRITUAL PORNOGRAPHY! Return to sender." "Unsolicited! Return to sender!"

As if that wasn't enough, contents have been slashed, cut, defaced, ripped up, drawn through, mutilated and ruined in any way, just to cause offence. To add insult to injury, some are returned without any return postage in a deliberate effort to make us pay surcharges!

We have had anonymous phone calls, in repeated attempts by the WCG to intimidate us. Do they think we are silly? I'm not going to give up before I see justice prevail for the people of God. What do they take me for? A spiritual wimp?!

The evil men who rule Worldwide will be exposed before the outside world before we have finished. Why? Read on.

God Fights Against Evil

I am not vindictive. I am zealous to do the job God has given me. And I will not tolerate the vile things God does not tolerate.

The evil motives of some of these people are beyond description! And they have the gall to say they are Christian while they deny Christ in their behaviour! Is it any wonder God will now fight them?!

In His love and in His pity He redeemed them; and He bore them and carried them.... but they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; so He turned Himself against them as an enemy, and He fought against them (Is 63:9,10, NKJV).

God is now fighting Worldwide because of their stubborn refusal to do His will. They cover up their evil deeds with flattery and double-talk. Their schemes are deceptive, designed to delude.

The WCG now claims it accepts "other Christians"! What a farce! They pay lip service to look good to outsiders, while they continue their abuse and demonic onslaught against truth and justice.

We come along as "other Christians" challenging their new claims of acceptance, and we get more vile shit thrown at us!

This dirt is the end-product of the evil traits I mentioned earlier, which Worldwiders have not analysed, acknowledged, and turned away from. They have tolerated prejudice, hostility, pride, and fear.

When they start to listen to the prophets God sends to help them, instead of repudiating everything that doesn't flatter their church, their leadership or their theological appraisals, then they can begin to be released from their filthy spiritual dungeons. Until they humble themselves, God will leave them in their dirt. Unfortunately those who go to try and help them will get it thrown at them for their efforts.

One of the tragedies of human behaviour is that a prophet is without honour in his own country and in his own house (Matt 13:57). People will not listen to one they know. Only after Jesus' death did His brothers and sisters recognise His divine mission and authority. God knows how much it will take to release Worldwiders from their pit of depravity.

Jesus duelled spiritually with those who stood against Him. He rebuked Peter sharply at one time for his rationalism (Matt 16:23). He castigated the Pharisees and scribes for their duplicity (Matt 23). He called them "Fools and blind" (Matt 23:19). So, don't think God doesn't take a strong stand against the perpetrators of evil. His love is not slushy and sanctimonious. It can be radically direct!

What Jesus said to the Pharisees of His time applies to the modern day Pharisees of the WCG. They have matched their duplicity and arrogance.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous [with your words, but with your deeds you persecute and kill them!] (Matt 23:25-29.)

God has sent the WCG prophets and wise men and 'scribes', but these they have 'killed'. They have assassinated their character, rendering their words useless to their hearers. They have thrown their bodies outside their city walls and covered them with dirt.

God will fight the infidels to achieve His purpose:

I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me. For I have trodden them in My anger... for the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed has come. I looked but there was no one to help, and I wondered that there was no one to uphold [the prophet's cause]; Therefore My own arm brought salvation for Me and My own fury, it sustained Me (Is 63:3-5, NKJV).

The WCG leadership shuns the prophets God sends. So prepare to see God's arm! He has spoken!

Malcolm B Heap

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Further Reading

This subject is covered in God's Church - Whose Authority? available for £3.00 from Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, England.

More about the satanic inroads into the Church is covered in the booklet Apostasy in God's Church available for £2.00 from the above address.

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Copyright: Midnight Ministries, PO Box 29, Aylesbury, HP17 8TL, UK